
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Beauty Sleep

Is it really Tuesday again?  The weeks seem to go faster now that school is back in session.  Maybe it's just because there is so much going on.  Well, I do know that school being in session has impacted my ability some evenings to find 15 minutes to stitch.  With parents night on Monday and a home volleyball game on Tuesday, not a lot of stitching got done those two nights, but I didn't do too badly the rest of the week.  

Four nights of stitching isn't doing too bad for a busy week. Since we have a holiday weekend coming up, I'm hopeful that lots of stitching will go on this weekend.  

In addition to finding time to stitch, I'm supposed to be fostering my creativity each week.  For August, the focus has been on getting a good night's sleep, so I feel like being creative rather than cranky.  It's definitely an area that I need to do a better job in for both myself and for Drama Teen.  It's amazing how your kids pick up your bad habits if you aren't careful.  So though I've not done enough to improve my sleep habits, at least I've been more aware of them.  Last week's post included a list of 10 sleep hygiene tips.  If you scan the "sleep" sites on the web, most of those are included as good sleep habits to form.  

One tip that is not on that list is regulating your melatonin levels.  Melatonin is the hormone that helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle.  It's production is very sensitive to light, exposure to light reduces the amount in your brain, staving off sleepiness.  The problem is that many modern evening entertainments can retard the production of melatonin, such as TV, computer screens and e-readers.  So if you spend your evenings with any of those devices, melatonin production is reduced and you don't feel as sleepy as you should.  Most authorities recommend turning off all such stimulation about 30 minutes prior to bedtime to allow your melatonin levels to rise.  

So how did you do on stitching this last week?  Did you do a lot or were you too tired?  Link up and share your creative activities for the last week.  

1. Julie in GA
2. Pat
3. Thea
4. Kate @katiemaequilts

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  1. I know what they say about turning off tv, computers etc. but nothing puts me to sleep faster than laying down to watch tv. Congrats on the challenge for a busy week.

  2. I also confess, I fall asleep with the tv on when a commercial comes on, it automatically puts me to sleep.

  3. Did you know you can also produce melatonin by eating certain foods? I have a list of "sleep" foods I give to parents when their children are having sleep difficulties. Sleep is such a fascinating subject - most of us dont get enough of it - or enough good quality sleep.

    Looks like you had a pretty good week all things considered. I do enjoy seeing what you've achieved through the week. I continue to be a mood sewer- I do a lot in one hit or nothing at all it seems !

  4. 'm doing the lack of sleep thing at the moment. Got 3 hours last night, my problem is I go to sleep fine but wake up 4am last night it was 2am thanks to a night mare from squid. The week has been bad sewing wise so I am not even reporting.
    The sun is shining today I was going to work late but I think I'll give it a miss and get in some rays. Great sewing week by the way even being busy.

  5. It's amazing how committed you are to this challenge (I guess when you're in charge you need to be). there have been so many weeks that I've done 1, 2 or 0 days and even on a busy week you put in 4. You rock!!

  6. You did well for such a busy week to be able to sew 4 days out of 7.
    This challenge is part of what has motivated me to stitch hexies--at least I have somethng to report.

  7. very interesting about the melatonin~!!~
    thanks for the info.



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