
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Volunteer Projects

It's Tuesday, time to look back at the last week and see how well we did at finding even a few minutes to sew each day.  The 15 Minute Challenge started as a way to get me jump started towards finishing up some UFOs.  No matter how busy, I can usually find a few minutes to do something in the sewing room that will help me make progress on a project.  Sometimes it's no more than trim a block or two before setting them together.  More often than not, if I make it to the sewing room, an hour of productive sewing is usually a result. I just have to resist the lure of the recliner and computer.  

This was a really good week.  

It doesn't get any better than 7 out of 7 days.  Of course, last week was a holiday, so I had more time to play than usual.  

In addition to trying to find time to sew, this year was supposed to be about improving my creativity, well at least inspiring it anyway.  I'm using an Internet article, "A 12-Step Quide to Fostering Your Creativity" to explore that topic.  Step 7 is to get involved in a good cause.  The thought here is by working where you are needed and appreciated helps you feel better about yourself, thus producing better work as a result.  

One of my volunteer quilting efforts was to make a quilt for Drama Teen's school auction.  It turned out to be a real learning experience for me.  My initial vision was simple, easy and fast.  That's not what ended up getting made.  The first requested change was the inclusion of a tree somewhere in the design.  That the first of many deer in the headlights moments with this project. I don't applique and had absolutely zero interest in learning how (No offense to those who love it.  I love the look of applique quilts, just not enough to do it myself.)  After a session with the Internet, I approached the art teacher about the kids making a tree for the center of the quilt. Then I hit the parents up for photos of the kids at school and at school activities to go around the center panel.  When I showed the finished quilt to the kids, there was quite a scramble to find themselves in the pictures.  It ended up getting bought by a the parents of a young lady who was willing to give up her allowance for the next year if she could have that quilt. It didn't raise as much money as I had hoped, but it was definitely a learning experience.  And the reaction of the kids to the quilt was just so worth it. 

Have you ever made a quilt to raise money for one of your kid's activities or to support a local cause?  Was it a good experience or one you've sworn never to repeat?  

Hope the last 7 days have been productive ones for you.  Link up below to share how your sewing went the last week. 

1. Newsurfiegirl
2. Julie in GA
3. Thea
4. Susanne

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  1. I haven't actually worked on any volunteer projects, but I really should... the quilt you made for the school auction sounds fabulous. did you post pictures?

  2. I've donated quilts I've made to a women's mission in India and also one for an auction to raise funds to train guide dogs.

    I think its hard to put yourself out there with volunteer projects for a number of reasons. I always worry about my work not being "good enough".

  3. I just so happen to be finishing a voluteer quilt made with my first-graders right now. It's taken quite a while- they're going into third grade this year :)

  4. Indeed you've had a productive week. I MUST limit my time on the computer in order to get anything done. One site leads to another and so on until I stop and look at the clock! OMGosh time slipped by unimaginably fast. For me there is no sense of accomplishment...the same time spent pushing thread and fabric through my sewing machine shows all kinds of accomplishment. FEELS GOOD! Right now I'm working on, I think year 9, of a donation for San Diego Humane Society's Fur Ball. The quilt gets auctioned off along with many other items to raise money for all the animals. Sounds like you had a wonderful experience. Sandi

  5. Fantastic week. I have never volunteered a quilt. I have donated stuff quilts and fabric to various causes over the years but never set out to make something for raffle or anything, mainly because I am scared that it would be under appreciated and not get the money it deserved as quilting is less valued down here .. its just a blanket isn't it.

  6. You should post a photo of the quilt. It sounds great.

    I did make a quilt for a school auction one time. Put pictures on it like you too. At the last minute the school decided to scratch the live auction part of the school carnival and then I didn't know what to do with the quilt. At the end of the year, the head administrator left, so I had a bunch of parents sign it at a going away party for him, and then gave it to him. He was touched, but I don't think he really liked it as he asked if he could donate it. It was pretty until everyone signed it. That took away from it, I thought.


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