
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Does it Help?

After yesterday, we are officially in the second half of the year. I didn't have any goals for the 15 minute challenge, other than to just continue it.  But now that we've passed the mid year mark, I thought I'd take a cue from my employer and do a mid year review to see where I'm at, then check if there are any adjustments to be made.  I'm one of those sick individuals who adores spreadsheets.  I track all kinds of things, like how many days I manage to find my 15 minutes each month. 

So far, I've found 15 minutes to sew a total of 155 days. By this time last year, I'd only managed 92 days.  That translates into finishing 5 quilts, when I only finished 3 all of last year.  If I finish just 2 more, I'll tie my record.  

Fabric usage is up too (which with the stash I have, is really good news).  

So I'm on track for a record year on the fabric usage front.  Now that I've finished those 5 quilts that were on my to do list, there are no firm plans for any finishes.  I'm just going to try to keep getting at least 15 minutes most days and see what happens.  I was a bit lax this week.

Only 5 days out of the last 7 days saw any action in the sewing room.  Which really isn't bad.  I don't remember why I bailed on Friday.  Last night I decided to indulge one of my other creative endeavors, I took a walk with My Guy so we could photograph some of the wildflowers growing in the open fields near us.  

Speaking of creative endeavors, it's a new month.  That means a new fostering creativity theme. The next tip in the 12 Step Guide to Fostering Your Creativity is to get involved in a good cause.  Spending time supporting a worthy cause and working with people who appreciate your efforts can go a long way towards making you feel good about yourself and what you are doing.  I always feel way more productive and am encouraged to try more things when there are positive vibes in my brain.  That's always a nice boost to creativity.  

We'll talk more next week about worthy causes.  But now it's time for you to link up and share your quilty/crafty adventures over the last week. 

1. Pat
2. Julie in GA
3. Susanne
4. Marti
5. Kate @katiemaequilts

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  1. I thought I kept pretty accurate lists but your spreadsheets are something else. You can be proud of all you've accomplished.

  2. I won't be linking up this week. I have totally slacked on the challenge. I am amazed at your statistics .. where do you find the time?

  3. Your numbers are looking great! This challenge definitely helps motivate me to make time for quilting as often as possible, even if only for a short time each day. Thanks for keeping us all going.

  4. Love the visual representations Kate (and I know where to come if I ever need a graph done - looks like you're a whiz at it )

    This has been my slowest sewing year since I started making quilts - but every week I read your posts and try to get on board with doing a little bit more .

  5. I can't say I put in 15 minutes every day, or even any day, but I did make a post for my lack of sewing. lol

    I love charts and spreadsheets too. And schedules. Love schedules.

  6. I love your charts. If it keeps you in the mood for sewing, then it's a very good thing!


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