
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

15 Minute Challenge And What Else Do you Do?

It's Tuesday already?  Time flies when you are having fun and when you have deadlines.  I'm working madly to finish up Calico Cats, which needs to be done before the end of the month.  On the bright side, it's been easy to get in my 15 minutes each day and then some.  

I'm finding the deadlines are extremely helpful in getting one into the sewing room. One more week with 7 out of 7 days that I've found time to sew.  As much as I enjoy playing in my sewing room, having a deadline is a lot like having a job.  I'm ready to finish up the 5 quilts for this month so I can go back to playing a bit more and not have to focus on just a few projects.  On the bright side, having to finish up these projects has been really good for the stash report and I will have 5 finishes by the end of the month.  

With the new month, also comes a new fostering your creativity theme.  This month we'll explore how other creative interests can influence your overall creativity.  Quilters have a lot of other creative interests.  Lynn at Never to Hot to Stitch also knits.  Shay at Quilting in My Pyjamas does a lot of home decorating, as well as, expressing her creativity in the kitchen when she's not at the sewing machine.  Marti over at The Next Fifty Years makes furniture in addition to stitching up fabric.  Barbara showcases her beautiful photographs as well as her beautiful quilts on her Cat Patches blog.  Thea of California Dreamin' fame makes some awesome diaper cakes and other baby shower creations from baby blankets, burp cloths and other baby stuff.  The list of alternate creative interests is endless, these are just a few examples.  

Do you have other creative outlets besides quilting? Does having other outlets affect your quilting projects?  Or maybe it just affects the time you have to quilt?   How did that go this week?  Did you find 15 minutes to stitch or did you pursue your other creative interest for the week?  Use Mr. Linky to share where your creative time went this week.  


  1. Deadlines are a great motivator for me too. Good luck getting everything finished in time.

  2. Deadlines are a great motivator. I try to impose deadlines on myself, not always with the best of success. Real deadlines are much more effective.

    As for the creative interests, I only know that when I am being "creative" or making stuff, I feel better about life in general.

  3. let's hear it for deadlines! woohoo!

  4. I do love deadlines! Makes me so productive!
    My other outlet isn't necessarily creative - running takes about an hour or so a day when I'm training hard. I find it clears my head and sometimes I think about quilt designs or what I need to do sewing-wise while I run. So it's a good part of my daily routine.

  5. I think the other interests both enhance and distract from my quilting. I love photography, sports and horses - and then I get sidetracked LOL

  6. I found I can't do a Kitchen Reno and be creative at the same time. Nothing again this week to report. Fingers crossed the majority of it will be finished today or tomorrow and the kitchen can go from 4 room to 1. At least I can cook but having food and utensils in the dining and family rooms is driving me insane.

    So what else do I do lets see, embroidery, cross stitch, crochet, mixed media and lots of other stuff. And I try and keep a day to quilt each week though... just not at the moment.

  7. I think I home decorate when Im bored with doing all the other things that fill my life. Besides its nice to have a variety of interests and to flit between different mediums. I like seeing what I can do with a room. My house is kind of quirky.

    I wouldn't have said that Im talented in the kitchen ...often I make stuff just to see if I can!

  8. Ooo, thanks for the link to my blog in your blog post! All of my hobbies influence each other and give me plenty of variety! But sometimes I want to work on one thing when I really should be working on something else! At the moment the "want to" is EPP but the "shoulds" are my Earth and Sky Quilt that needs binding and the baby blanket I'm knitting for Emily!


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