
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stash Report - Week 16

Thankfully this week has been a bit slower than last week.  It helped that I was able to take Friday off and was able to spend a good deal of it stitching.  The back is made for the OSU quilt, it's all pressed and packaged to be sent out for quilting.  Finishing up a back is always a big boost for the stash report. 

Used last week:  5.18 yards
Added last week:  0 yards

Used for 2013:  30.25 yards
Added for 2013:  68.75 yards

Net stashed for 2013:  38.5 yards

Not a bad week.  The net stashed is coming down, slowly. I was looking at my spreadsheet and realized that I'm just 9 yards shy of using what I did last year.  It's only April so I have hopes of using more fabric this year than last year.  So even if I end in the red on the stash report, I'd be pretty happy with seeing higher usage numbers. 

That's it for this week's stash report.  For more stash reports, check out the links over at Patchwork Times.  


  1. It is always nice to use almost half of what you added!

  2. Progress is progress, however you measure it. I like your OSU quilt. We would use different colors here in Ohio!

  3. Your usage numbers are looking very good!

  4. Very nice OSU quilt. Keep up the good work on your stash busting.

  5.'ve used a lot of fabric this year so far Kate. Keep it up and you'll be in the black by years end!

  6. Only nine yards short of last year's total? that's great!


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