
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stash Report - Week 15

This has been one of those weeks where work took priority and some overtime was required in order to get a few time sensitive projects moving.  Drama Teen had an out of town volleyball tournament yesterday as well.  The combination of the two pretty much wrecked havoc on my sewing time. Still the stash report looks better this week as the numbers show a bit out and nothing in.  

Used last week:  0.94 yards
Added last week: 0 yards

Used for 2013:  25.07 yards
Added for 2013: 68.75 yards

Net stashed for 2013:  43.68 yards

The net stashed is less than 50 yards, which is better than last year's numbers at this time.  So that's a positive thing.   I'm still hoping to end this year with more out than in.  It's going to take a lot of stitching to get there.

That's it for my stash report.  I'm linking up with Judy over at Patchwork Times.  Hop over there for more stash talk.  


  1. You have set a goal and frankly that's what counts most. It certainly is unfortunate when life gets in the way...although I'll bet you had a wonderful time at one of the interruptions! Sandi

  2. Sometimes life gets in the way sometimes!

  3. Ah the ups and downs in the life of one who sews!

  4. Hope that life slows down a little for you this week so you can work toward your goal - and congrats on being ahead of last year!

  5. Hope you have more time to sew this week.

  6. I am really trying to end this year 50 yards or more in the blue. So far I have done well but it is only April. LOL


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