
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stash Report - Week 12

Life was good this weekend.  Today is the last day of Drama Teen's Spring Break.  However, as she pointed out, the next 2 weeks are only 4 days each as she is out of school for Good Friday and Easter Monday.  So two weeks of just 4 days where actual school attendance is required. She's going to take it hard when she has to go for 5 days running.   

Spring Break has been a laid back one for us this year.  My Guy had a commitment last week that kept him out of the office for 4 days, so he couldn't take off much time this week.  Add in that our original plans got snowed on, literally, we ended up just driving a bit to places where we've never been before.  That included a couple of new to me quilt shops.  One is known for it's black and white prints, something that is almost completely absent in my stash. 

Of course there were butterfly prints that had to come home with me, as well as a couple of other beauties.  

The second shop is known for it's brights, my all time favorite fabrics.  Add in that fabric on the bolt was $2 off, I couldn't resist bringing home a few yards of those either.

The pinks didn't photograph too well, but the two on the end are a lot brighter pinks than they appear to be in the photo.  Needless to say the stash report took a pretty big hit.  

Used last week:  5.49 yards
Added last week:  17.5 yards

Used for 2013:  21.3 yards
Added for 2013:  49.25 yards

Net stashed for 2013:  27.95 yards

It's not there wasn't a bunch out this week, it's just that more came in.  I still have three quilts that need backs before May.  Maybe I can still get back to the black if I swear off all quilt shops for the next few months.  

That's it for my stash report this week.  Hopefully, I can find the will to get firmly back on the "no buy" wagon this week.  To see how well everyone else is doing with stash management, check out Judy's Patchwork Times.  


  1. I think fabric bought while on "vacation" is considered guilt-free fabric, even though you have to add it to the stash count. The black and white fabric you added are fun, especially the keys.

  2. Your black & whites are different than what I see locally--and those 2 pinks ( does the top one go to red?) could "hop" (since it is so close to Easter!) right over to my stash!

  3. I'm back onto purchasing fabric for specific projects (only trouble is I am planning for quite a lot of projects at the moment). Love the black and whites I have a good stash though they did take a hit with the last quilt I did as black and white were used as the backgrounds to the block.

  4. Oooh, I love all your new fabrics. It's good to know there is someone else out there that is in the red along with me. I'm sure both of us will soon be in the black! Those backs sure do help as does finished projects. lol


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