
Friday, February 15, 2013

Favorite Things Friday - Winter Wonder

We've had a lot more of the "in sickness" than the "in health" stuff going on at my house.  All three of us have had various illnesses with varying degrees of severity.  The hardest hit has been Drama Teen.  In the space of three weeks she's had the flu that knocked her flat.  She had the sinus crud last weekend that resulted in her completely losing her voice on Sunday.  Monday morning, her face was so swollen and sore that she begged to stay home from school.  So off we went to the doctor who proclaimed that yes, DT did indeed have a sinus infection.  But in a case of adding insult to injury, DT also had pink eye (Something we are pretty sure she picked up after being loved on by all the pre-K kids at school who missed her when she was out with the flu).  

She's been listless and tired for most of the last few weeks.  Or at least she was until Tuesday night.  She wandered down from her bedroom after being home all day to realize it was snowing.  She couldn't find her coat and fasten her boots fast enough.  "Mom where's my camera? Oh never mind, I found it."  Then she was out the door.  I followed to find her outside giggling, laughing, and  

quickly being covered in snow.  

The snow was coming down pretty quickly, coating the ground

and the rose bushes.  This was the liveliest I'd seen DT in weeks.  She snapped a few shots, then being the ever practical mom, I made her come in since she was out there without her gloves or a hat.  She raced upstairs to upload her photos onto the computer so she could share her photos with the girls from her writing group that live in the far south US.  

The snow was pretty much gone by ten the next morning.  But it was fun while it lasted.  It was also nice to see DT getting back to normal.  She's had a rough few weeks.

For more fun faves, check out the links over at Quilting in My Pyjamas   


  1. Aw, what a nice story. Nothing like a little joy to make you feel better. I hope being out in the cold didn't hurt her.

  2. So DT had a favourite thing this week too- the snow.

    It makes me smile to know she still isnt too old to enjoy things that have thrilled her since she was small.

    Great thoughtful post Kate. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. It's nice to see that your household seems to be over the worst of the illnesses now, and you both got to enjoy the snow for a few minutes.

  4. Sorry she's had such a rough time .. glad there was some snow to get her out of it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry you've been feeling poorly. Hope everyone is on the mend.

  7. ahh....wonderful. and dang it has been the season of the crud ....

  8. So glad she's feeling better! You feel so bad when your babies are sick - even when they aren't babies anymore! o:)

  9. She deserved those stolen moments without a coat, and some laughter! Hope she's feeling all better soon.

  10. Aww, good to see her out enjoying the snow! Hope she feels better soon.

  11. I'm nearly two weeks behind so I hope DT is much, much better now!


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