
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - February Wrap Up

It's already the last Tuesday in February, March arrives on Thursday.  I'm definitely ready for warmer weather.  We had snow last night, but not the blizzard that was forecast.  Still the winds are pretty strong and the lights are flickering, I'm hoping I can get this post in before the power goes out.  

The fostering creativity theme for February was "have a dedicated work space".  Most everyone seems to have a either a sewing room or a corner set up somewhere in the house for their sewing.  It seems we are all challenged by storage issues, no matter how big the space is we sew in.  If you checked out the links in last week's post, you saw some gorgeous sewing spaces and some unique storage solutions.  I'm still experimenting with the "filing" of fat quarters idea.  So far, I'm liking how it's working out, but I haven't filed very many fat quarters yet.  

If you looking for some additional storage ideas.  "Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter" by Carolyn Woods has a number of suggestions.

She covers the basics of getting organized then offers specific chapters on how to store fabric, thread, notions, UFOs, etc.  Another reference is Dream Sewing Spaces by Lynette Ranney Black.

This book was originally published in 1996, but was revised and updated in 2010.  Lynette is an interior designer and that is reflected in her book.  She really covers the basic of sewing room design, including how to incorporate ergonomics into your set ups. If you are lucky enough to get to design a sewing space from scratch, you could get a lot of good ideas from this resource.  There is also a chapter that covers creating dedicated sewing spaces in closets and in other nooks and crannies that might be available.  

The fostering creativity theme has really been motivating for me.  Looking back at the last 7 days, I managed to find time to sew some during each one of them. 

That makes the third week in a row that I've managed 7 days!  That has to be a record for me. 

So how did you do this week on finding time to get in a few stitches?  Did you find an organization tip that you want to try or did try?  Link up below and share your thoughts on the time and space continuum surrounding your quilting life (Sorry,  I'm married to a physicist,  the lingo rubs off on you after a while).   

1. Julie in GA
2. Amanda
3. Susanne
4. Marti
5. Thea

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  1. Wouldn't mind a bit of snow down here at the moment I hate humid I just can't do humid give me hot dry heat anytime I get very grumpy when it is humid. Great week by the way. Squid keeps telling me off when I make a mess in my tidied sewing room lol I guess it might keep everything on track in there though.

  2. Im with Amanda .The weather here has been awfully humid. end us some snow and we'll swap you back some sun!

    Im looking for an idea to store thread . I have so much it has its own mini cupboard!

    Looks like you had a very successful week.

  3. Oops, I thought I linked to this earlier and commented. I must have dreamed it. lol

    I have an idea for Shay's thread though. Shallow drawers with pegs. They work pretty well, but I could use more.

  4. Nice week! and three in a row! the organization books look good.

  5. Great job on your sewing 7 days! A clean and fairly organized place to create is much more relaxing. A fully kitted out studio with real builtins is a dream of mine, but will probably remain so!

  6. Way to go!!! I usually get 5 days per week.

  7. We have snow forecast for tomorrow/Saturday. They are saying minimal numbers, so perhaps we'll get some real accumulation for a change! GREAT numbers this week -- and congrats on the hat trick!! :)


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