
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stash Report - A New Year, A Clean Slate

It's been a bit chaotic around our place.  Drama Teen came home from volleyball practice on Thursday not feeling well, by bed time she was just miserable with what we think was a head cold.  Her misery resulted in Mom having a very long night with very little sleep.  Amazingly by Friday evening, DT is back to normal, but Mom sure is not.  By Saturday, Mom has the head cold, complete with major headache and DT is playing in a volleyball tournament.  The head cold is better this morning, but I've still got the sinus headache.  Hopefully I'll have that kicked before we out the door for day two of volleyball. 

Thankfully, I've not felt so bad that it kept me out of the sewing room completely.  A couple of nights it was just 15 minutes, but even that has helped move a few projects along and I actually have a bit of fabric going out this week.

Used last week:  1.37
Added last week:  0 yards

Used for 2013:  1.37 yards
Added for 2013: 0 yards

Net busted for 2013:  1.37 yards

The last time the stash report showed any fabric busted was April of 2011.  I've been in stash enhancement mode since then.  I'm hoping to do much better with the busting this year.   At the moment I'm firmly on the "no buy fabric wagon" and have rededicated myself to finding time to sew each day. The only goal I have for stash management this year is to end in the black.

Hop over to Patchwork Times to see who has stuck to their stash busting goals for 2013 after the first week.


  1. Yay for the first week of a new year! Although it's a good thing I'm not counting, since I had a package arrive and I'm definitely not in the black. (And I blame you - it's those winter cardinals!)

  2. Ah,Kate, so sorry you "got it". This crud is everywhere - so many people are complaining of being sick. My husband just said yesterday, "one day soon, one of us is going to get really sick." Yuck! Feel better soon!

  3. I like the header on your blog--it's lovely!

  4. Those stolen minutes of sewing time really add up and a lot can get accomplished. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Feel better!

    Stash enhancement is so much fun. Now you have lots of fabric to chose from and can be super creative!

  6. Every year I say I am going to bust my stash. Lasts about two months. Lol

  7. Great start!

    "Drama teen"....that is SO funny. I have one too, only male.

  8. Hey, great start for the year.

    Drama teen -- I had one of those a number of years ago and can I empathize!! LOL

  9. You're off to a good start with your stash busting. My goal is to use the fabric from my stash too and quit buying (unless absolutely necessary, haha.)

  10. Woohoo! A great start! I hope you and DT are feeling completely better very soon!

  11. Nice start to the stash busting. Isn't it great to be able to start over in January!

  12. Sorry you haven't been feeling well Kate. Hopefully you'll be up to full speed again soon.

    I'm not keeping a record this year but I am going to make a concerted effort to sew from stash . I did have a fabric buying session last week but that was necessary for a project I want to do this year . Honest!


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