
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Slow Stitching Sunday - January 27th

One of the challenges in linking up with "challenges" is having the time to get the photos and then write the posts.  On weekends, it's especially a challenge because we are so often headed out the door for something or other (usually at o'dark thirty, heading to someplace that doesn't have Internet access).  During the week, the choice lately has been do I blog or do I sew.  I've cut back on the blogging in order to spend a bit more time in the sewing room.  

I did work on some embroidery over Christmas and during some of the volleyball tournaments earlier this month.  I've made progress on the piece for the Medallion Quilt. 

Not a lot of progress, but there is some.  If I ever want to get this finished, I'm going to need to work on it more.  This may start showing up in my "Finished Project" goals each month.  Maybe then I would make more progress on it.  It would probably also help if I commit to linking up with Kathy's Quilts' Slow Stitching Sunday the last Sunday of the month.   Looks like I've already got a start on February's goals.  

Drama Teen Update - She's still pretty sick with the flu, but is showing signs of improvement.  She was actually able to sleep most of the night last night and her fever is a lot lower.  Her words this morning, "I still feel yucky, but less yucky than yesterday." 


  1. I know exactly what you mean about the time management challenge - to blog or quilt?!?
    When you get to be my age, the menopausal lack of ability to sleep gives you more time for either/both of these activities! Of course you are exhausted, so you enjoy it less! LOL
    Thanks for linking up and sharing your project! Love the butterfly!

  2. Linking up to Kathys blog works for me. Love your crossstitch butterfly. I haven't done embroidery in a while but I do love it in combination with pieced blocks in a quilts.

  3. Hope DT is feeling better soon, the flu in this part of the world is bad too lots of cases in the height of summer have been reported. I've never done the flu shot thing,but DH usually gets a free one at work.

  4. hope DT is able to kick it soon. Sounds like she's been pretty miserable.

  5. Blogging or quilting? It can be a tough decision sometimes, can't it?

    Glad to hear DT is showing improvement!

  6. Gorgeous stitching. I try to balance my time. I usually only blog in the mornings when I have a few minutes at work.

  7. This is a very pretty cross stitch piece ... it is cross stitch, right? Or is it a mix of stitches? I'd love to see the whole thing! :)


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