
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 Minute Challenge - Scheduling Part 2

Welcome to week two of the 2013 15 minute challenge.  This year in addition to challenging myself to find just 15 minutes to improve my sanity by spending that time in the sewing room, I'm also looking for ways to make that time more creative and productive.  

For January the focus is on scheduling.  At different stages in life, the scheduling challenges are different.  I'm a working girl with a husband who travels a lot and a teenage athlete.  I don't have any experience with retirement, but I deduce from some of my mother-in-law's stories and from reading other blogs that there are still challenges to scheduling time to sew in that stage of life. (Most of those challenges seem to involve the spouse's idea of what you do in retirement.)  In 2013, I've committed to moving up to my sewing room at 8:30 PM and getting in at least 15 minutes to an hour of sewing.  Over the last 2 weeks I've managed to sew for at least 15 minutes for 13 out of the last 14 days.  The weekends are harder to schedule because those are a lot more variable then my weekdays.  I have to do a lot more planning and scheduling to get my sewing time in on those days.  Here are a couple of tips for scheduling creative time.

1.  If you can't seem to find any consistent time to sew, it may be worthwhile to track your time.   There are 168 hours in a week, do you know how you are using them?  Laura Vanderkam offers a printable pdf and Excel spreadsheet tool where you can track your hours for a week.  Her suggestion is to write down what you do all week, then decide at the end of the week, are you happy where your "billable" time is going, then make adjustments accordingly 

2.  If you can't seem to find a consistent time each day, Sarah over at Redline Design suggests you get a planner, map out the whole month and schedule 10 minutes each day for creativity.  

I've been mapping out my weekends, but sticking to a consistent time during the week.  How's it working?  Reasonably well.  Plans went astray last Friday and I didn't get in my 15 minutes (we were a lot later getting to OKC than I planned).  But otherwise, I managed 6 days last week, even with the volleyball tournament.  

So how did you do at finding 15 minutes to sew?  Do you have a "target" time to sew or is yours a "fit it when you can" type schedule?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Lesley
3. Julie in GA--my real post
4. Kate
5. Thea
6. Amanda

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  1. You're doing really well; thirteen out of fourteen days -- brilliant!

  2. Way to go! 13 of 14 is fantastic!

    I've set a "target" time, more of a routine actually...which shifts depending on my work schedule. In March, when my work schedule flops all the way back around, I'm going to have to make some changes, but i think it's doable.

  3. Way to go! 13 of 14 is fantastic!

    I've set a "target" time, more of a routine actually...which shifts depending on my work schedule. In March, when my work schedule flops all the way back around, I'm going to have to make some changes, but i think it's doable.

  4. Woo on 13 out of 14! I do have to set a target time, too - otherwise I'll sit at the computer all morning!

  5. Will try and post tonight, kids are still on holidays but I have managed to have a few days of sewing. Have finished the cot quilt I was working on. No deadlines looming so there is nothing I have to do apart from make Squid a new pencil case for school it has a few design characteristics she wants that I have to work out how to complete lol.

  6. I try to sew after dinner and dishes are done. Usually while everyone else is watching TV .. unless there's something I just have to watch, then I make them wait for me to get a little sewing time in.

  7. That's great, 13 out of 14 days!
    I know where most of my spare time goes....on the internet, reading blogs, looking at photos and emailing!!!

  8. Great tips for scheduling. I have been lucky this week and could find some time to sew each evening at least for a few minutes.

  9. Food for thought. I have a terrible time with scheduling. I know I spend too much time on the computer, planning and dreaming, but not doing.

  10. Wow -- you're really doing great with this!! Nice numbers, Kate!! I like the idea of scheduling ... actually mapping out ... the creative time. I may give that a try in the coming week. Thank you! :)


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