
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Foto Finish - Spooky and Creepy

Thankfully it's Saturday.  Unfortunately what I thought was going to be a carefree weekend filled with lots of sewing has become a work filled weekend due to deadlines.  Unfortunately, the deadlines aren't mine or they would already have been addressed.  Someone else waited until the absolute last minute to get a major report completed that needs to include some supporting work I did before I switched positions.  I'd blow it off, but there are major ramifications for the other individual if I do.   So rather than sewing, I'll be working.  Though at least I can do it from home rather than have to spend the whole day in the office.  That means I'll at least get some laundry done. 

On to much more fun topics.  Barbara has put forth "Spooky or Creepy" for this week's Foto Finish Post.  Just for something a bit different, I did a little bit of Photoshop editing and added some digital scrapbooking enhancement for this week's post (In other words, I couldn't find something suitable otherwise).  

The original banshee photo was taken at this year's haunted mausoleum at Drama Teen's school's Fun Night.  Since My Guy and I had to work concessions the whole evening, we took a walk through before it opened. It's hard to get appropriately spooky shots in broad daylight.  I used Photoshop Elements to cut the banshee away from it's original background, changed it to a black and white image, then saved as a png file.  I found a suitable background from My Memories digital scrapbooking software and loaded the banshee png file over the page.  I then used the opacity slider to fade out the banshee a bit. 

You can waste spend a lot of time Photoshopping images.  I try very hard to get the image I want when I take the photo.  However, it's fun to play around with images, especially if you need something for a special project, like a card or a T-shirt.  The company I work for has a "Lean Team Challenge" every holiday season.  It starts in November and ends in January.  The goal is to not gain any weight over the holiday and if possible maybe loose some weight.  But the emphasis is really placed on maintaining your weight.  My team's captain asked if I'd work up a logo for a team T-shirt.  The combination of Photoshop and the scrapbooking software allows one to do some pretty cool things.  Prototype 1 went out the team on Thursday.  I've got some feedback to incorporate, but it's shaping up to be a fun logo.

Well it's time to go put in a load of laundry, fire up the work computer and bang out those additions to the report.  Hopefully, I can get that all done today.  I'll be checking in on my "breaks" to see what cool creepy and spooky things have been posted over at Cat Patches.   


  1. Well aren't you the clever one! Very spooky.

  2. Very clever. I find it's hard trying to find the time to play with my photos. I'd rather be doing a million other things.
    Sorry to hear you have to work over the weekend.

  3. Oh Kate stinks that you have to work on the weekend. That's one of my firm rules.I never work on weekends.

    You did an awesomely scary job with creating this picture.

  4. I hope the weekend of work wasn't too much of a drag!

  5. Great work on photoshop. It does become addictive and use up a lot of time but produces awesome results.

  6. sorry about the weekend. that's just not fun. Good job with the picture.


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