
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - October 30th

I'm a bit fuzzy this morning.  Drama Teen had a late volleyball game in Tulsa last night.  Add in the hour drive home and it was close to 10:30 before we walked in the door.  As My Guy remarked as we were getting on the highway headed home, "At 10, the car becomes a pumpkin and I revert to a mouse".  From the back seat Drama Teen added, "And I'll be dressed in rags".  The conversation went downhill from there, so we'll leave it at that. 

It's crunch time at work, with lots of end of the year deadlines.  I had to work late on Friday and most of the day Saturday.  Add in the volleyball game last night and finding time, even just 15 minutes, to stitch just didn't work out last week. 

I'm not sure what happened Wednesday night, probably just too tired to climb the stairs.  So only 3 days out of 7 did I make my goal to stitch 15 minutes.  I made up for a lot on Sunday as I sewed most of the afternoon and evening.  Still not one of my better weeks. 

No volleyball this weekend, but DT has two games next Monday night.  So I better get my sewing in early this week.  I'm thinking it may have to be embroidery on Wednesday night as I'm sure I'll be on candy duty for Halloween.  Though I think DT will be around to help this year, at 13 we've decided that she's too old to trick or treat. 

How did you do at finding some time to sew/knit/be creative over the last 7 days? 

1. Kate
2. amanda
3. Lesley
4. Thea
5. libbyQ

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  1. Perhaps you could take some handwork to the games and count that?

    I don't do fifteen minutes every day but when I do get into my sewing room, I can be lost for hours. One of the advantages of being retired I guess! (Your turn will come but don't be in a hurry for it -- enjoy DT while you still have her. It won't be long and she'll have flown the nest and you'll wonder where all those years went!)

  2. Aww, sorry it wasn't the greatest week. Happens - especially when work is drawing to the year end close!

  3. Our busy time is over for another year and I am so glad. Both the boss and I are a little had it this year and he still has to do a heap of travel before the Christmas. Our end of financial year is in June but that doesn't affect our business too much. When you are dog tired you usually just make more mess in the sewing room so its best just to leave it. Maybe next week will be better.

  4. thankfully my 13 year old only had one after school meeting this past week, so we spent plenty of time at home! hang in there! We have also decided 13 is too old for trick or treat, but she has now been upgraded to having to walk and listen to younger ones whine!

  5. Hahaha!! I can just hear that conversation as if it took place in my own family's car one evening. Actually, it probably did!! I know how those can degenerate, too!!! Hope your stitch time can pick up a bit next week!! :)

  6. Sorry that you didn't get as much done as you would have liked and especially sorry that you couldn't sew because you were working...

  7. It sounds like you have a very full plate! Sometimes it can be difficult to be creative daily, I've painted some this week, but not today...

  8. i think it's good that you can get some extra time in on the weekend and i'll bet that you made up nicely for the four days missed during that time.

    i LOVE your report card. very appropriate for the halloween holiday~!!

    when my daughter was too old to go out i suggested that she dress up and give out the candy. it was a compromise of sorts and really only worked for a couple of years (at best) if i remember right.
    then it was my turn to step back into the 'handing out the goods' role.

    happy halloween Kate.


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