
Monday, September 24, 2012

Design Wall Monday - September 24th

We weren't home most of the weekend.  Not a lot of sewing happened, so there is not anything new up on the design wall.  I have made progress on The Sofa Quilt.

I'm about halfway finished assembling the flying geese units. 

I've got the yen to start something new.  So while I didn't sew, I did pull out one of my PIGS and do a few mock ups in EQ to see exactly how I wanted to use the fabric.  At the moment, this is the front runner. 

Pattern is Evening Star from Calico Carriage
Desigend by Debbie Maddy

I considered adding some yellow, but Drama Teen liked the monochrome purple color scheme with white.  I do too.  So the real deal may start showing up on the design wall next week. 

Check out more productive quilters over at  Patchwork Times


  1. I like the monochrome purple scheme, too! Drama Teen has great taste!!! :)

  2. The purple and white look great to me too!

  3. That purple star is just gorgeousl I look forward to seeing it in fabric.

  4. Gorgeous!! I love the purple and white.

  5. Halfway done with your flying geese, that is great progress. I like the purple star too. New projects can be very bossy.


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