
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Stash Report - August 5th

It's raining!  At least the northern counties in Oklahoma are getting some rain, including areas where there have been wildfires.  It's not a lot of rain, but the cold front bringing it will knock highs down from over 110 to just 100.  Both 110 and 100 are hot, but after several days of the highs close to 110, it does feel definitely cooler when the high is just 100. 

The higher temps have made it almost impossible to be out past lunch time.  You'd think I'd get more sewing done, but the heat this past week seems to have sapped my energy.  My sewing room is on the west end of the house.  Even with air conditioning, it tends to be warmest room in the house, which is another reason I've not been spending a lot of time in it.  I did get some sewing done this week and actually used more this week than I did the previous two. 

Used last week:  0.41 yards
Added last week:  0 yards

Used for 2012:  23.2 yards
Added for 2102:  219.63 yards

Net stashed for 2012:  196.43 yards

I'm way behind on my usage goals for this year and have already blown my incoming fabric budget.  I am sewing, but I'm not finishing  much.  In part, I think that's because most of the UFOs on my list only have only a few blocks done and need a lot of work to get them completed.  I pretty much finished up all the UFOs that were reasonably close to being done last year.  There were 4 UFOs on my list this year, one is done and significant progress has been made on 2 of the others. Considering there were 12 UFOs on my to do list in 2008, not bad progress for 4 years. 

That's it for this week's stash report.  Check out all the other reports over at Judy's Patchwork Times


  1. I also find it hard to return to a project that I began a long time ago. I figure there must have been a reason why I didn't finish it at the time, and my interest in it is just gone. It is hard for me to force myself to work on a project that isn't any appealing when there are so many new fun patterns out there. Maybe you could reward yourself with beginning a new project each time you finish an old one.

    Good luck on completing your UFOS.

  2. Lucky you - rain! the storm missed the central part of the state but the temps are lower. I don't think it hit 100 yet today.

    I fully understand the concept of how much "cooler" it feels when the temp drops from 110+ to only 100.

    We'll get the sewing mojo back when it cools off.


  3. The weather will soon cool down (I know because spring is creeping up on us) and perhaps you'll feel more inclined to sew in the cooler weather.


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