
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Foto Finish - Hot

I made it home late yesterday afternoon.  It's good to be home and sleeping in my own bed again.  After a week away, it's time to get back into the normal household rhythm which for me is laundry.  I was all caught up before I left now I'm behind again! 

This week's theme for Foto Finish is "Hot".  If you follow my rantings and ravings with any form of regularity, you know that it has been 110 F plus hot in Oklahoma this summer on top of being just bone dry.  I seriously contemplated using a picture of our dead yard for today's shot, but couldn't find a way to make it look very interesting.  Instead I found this shot taken in August of 2009.

In Oklahoma the heat builds all day, reaching it's peak sometime between 5 and 6 PM.  It doesn't really start cooling off until after the sun goes down at about 8:30.  This isn't a technically great photo, but for me it conveys the feeling of the unrelenting heat that's present even at sunset. 

Oklahoma caught a break yesterday with a cold front passing through the state.  The low this morning was 53F.  We've not seen temps that low since the spring.  Hopefully the extreme heat is over and we'll just see plain old hot until autumn arrives. 

To see more hot stuff, check out the photos over at Cat Patches


  1. Oooh, I could feel the heat on that photo! Glad it's cooling down - we start heading back soon and I'm worried about the kitties being in the car for even short bathroom breaks.

  2. Beautiful photo, and I can almost feel the heat! We are finally having a couple of beautiful, cooler days too!

  3. Maybe not technically correct to you, the photographer, but it definitely gets the point across. It's very artistic. Great shot.

  4. Love love this does show the intensity of the heat, but the sunflowers are awesome! 53 degrees, wow, I'll take it!

  5. Nice there was a break in the heat .. sounds down right cold to me. Beautiful photo.

  6. That shot definitely shows off the HEAT! Great job!!!


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