
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Stash Report - July 8th

Today is the last day of our 5 day July 4th Holiday, so it's back to work tomorrow.  We accomplished a lot in the last few days, not everything we wanted, but one never does.  The living room has been mostly decluttered, the kitchen cabinets have been decluttered (that was My Guy's job), we celebrated the 4th, took Drama Teen and friends ice skating, plus some sewing got done as well.  So a good mix of need to do stuff and fun stuff got done. 

Moving on to the stash report.  I think it's time for another fabric diet.  I pushed buttons last week and bought some Hancock's sale fabric which showed up yesterday. 

I have no plans for any of these, but have enough to use as backgrounds or backings.  Yesterday, we also made the trek to Tulsa and I did some shopping for fabrics for a Christmas quilt I want to make for one of John's sister. 

The angels in the middle are from the focus fabric for the quilt.  I already had that.  I couldn't decide between blue or green for the accent color.  The angels have a lot of blue in them, almost no green.  I have a few mock ups in EQ, I'll see how the blue works. 

A few fat quarters came home with me as well. 

With all of that the stash report is a bit heavy on the incoming.

Used last week: 1.08 yards
Added last week:  30.75 yards

Used for 2012: 21.85 yards
Added for 2012: 200.25 yards

Net stashed for 2012:  178.4 yards

I still have one more Hancock's order outstanding.  They give you a discount for your birthday and I made use of that to order a few yards of some fabrics I've been lusting after for awhile.  After that, I think a fabric fast is in order for a few months.  At least until I manage to get the outgoing numbers into better shape. 

That's it for my stash report.  I'm hoping to be able to link up with Patchwork Times today, but Judy has been having problems with her web site lately, so that may not happen.  If she's up and running, be sure to check out all the other stash reports. 


  1. Oh, those birthday sales! I need to whittle my numbers down so I can take advantage of that next month!

  2. Its hard to pass up a good sale. Backgrounds and backings are always good to have on hand. I did a little of that myself. It arrives next week.

  3. Oh do tell how to get the birthday discount. I may have to buy a lot to overcome my next birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday, Kate! Love the fabric you bought! Your numbers will improve.

  5. Birthday fabric shopping is such fun ... with discounts it's even better!! :) I love that swirly fabric in the green and blue with the angels ... I use the green in a lot of Christmas projects! :)

  6. You packed a lot into those 5 days off. Is it just me or does it seem like you’ve had longer than 5 days away from work?

    I think you’ve taken over from me in the buying fabric stakes...but it’ll all get used. Thats why they call it stash isn’t it(so you have what you need when you go looking ) Love the fat quarters at the bottom of your post ! Luscious. Plus it was your birthday . You had to treat yourself !

  7. Oh my, I like the fabrics that you added, but I'm glad it's going into your stash totals and not mine!! ha. Of course, you will use it all up rather quickly, right??

  8. What lovely additions! I really like your backgrounds. Now you're set for more finishes!

  9. Adding fabric is nearly as much fun as sewing it! ;-)


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