
Friday, July 6, 2012

Favorite Things Friday - Celebrations

This is day three of our five day July 4th holiday.  I've been struggling to remember exactly what day it is, I kept thinking yesterday was Saturday.  I guess because both My Guy and were in deep cleaning mode. 

Three trash bags have migrated from our living room to the curb this morning.  There are still a couple of bags in the living room that will go to Goodwill sometime this weekend.  Where did Kiddo get all this stuff?  We hadn't done a purge of her toys since we moved 6 years ago, it was obviously long overdue.  Still have a bit to do in the living room, but it already looks more like a living room than a play room.  

Maybe next week, my newly recovered living room will be my favorite thing.  This week it's celebrations.  My Guy and I have a 5 day weekend due to the 4th of July holiday.  After spending a lazy day around the house we ventured out to the fireworks display. 

We had one other small family celebration this week.

My birthday was this week and my family helped me celebrate in their own unique way.  My first gift out of the bag pretty much set the tone for the rest of them. My Guy said the book needed these two photographs to be complete. 

Drama Teen gave me this to add to my "Board of Wisdom" in my office. 

Then finally, something to encourage my creativity and give me cool images to post on Wordless Wednesday and Foto Finish. 

But first, I have to figure out how to use it. 

We have three more days of our 5 day weekend, so I'm still celebrating.  Not a bad way to spend a Favorite Things Friday.  Hop over to Quilting in My Pyjamas for more cool faves. 


  1. Happy Birthday Kate! Sounds like you had a good one. Glad to hear you're enjoying your 5 days off. Your new header is very patriotic looking. I don't often see it as I read you through Google Reader.

  2. happy birthday! Enjoy your time off!

  3. A grand week of celebrations! Happy Birthday and you are blessed to have a family that remembers it with such gusto!

  4. Happy belated Birthday to you! Looks like it was a wonderful day and that you are having a wonderful week of celebrations.

    Never heard of Lensbaby before, but it looks like a cool addition to your camera. I will go and look it up! One more toy to figure out.

  5. Happy Birthday Kate. Looks like you got a bit spoilt which is a nice thing to happen on your birthday.

    Glad to hear you're enjoying your time off. Cant wait to see the re-vamped space !

  6. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful way to celebrate. To get five days off to do it too!

  7. Happy Birthday and I hope the rest of your holiday is GREAT!

  8. Happy Birthday Kate, so glad to hear you are enjoying your holiday break.


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