
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - July 17th

Tuesday already?  Last week seemed really short, probably because there was a lot going on.  One night My Guy and I went out to dinner to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.  Another night we went to see the local Children's Musical production of Willy Wonka.  Drama Teen knew a number of the cast members, so we stayed late for the meet and greet after the show.  Then the weekend was taken up with the swim meet and family gatherings.   

Fitting in a bit of sewing here and there was a challenge.  But I did manage to find 15 minutes to sew most days last week. 

Five out of seven days isn't a bad week, especially with so much going on.  I did manage to finish sewing on the binding to the purple and yellow quilt.  Now I just need to decide on a name so I can add the label and that one will be all done.  Here's the list of names that I've come up with or that have been suggested

Shades of Violet (Kwiltnkats)
Lilac (Katiemaequilts)
Sunny Lilacs (Soscrappy)
Sunshine and Lilacs (Soscrappy)
Field of Pansies (Quilting in my Pyjamas)
Purple People Eater (Cat Patches)
Moorish or Moroccan Tiles (Never too Hot to Stitch)
Johnny Jump Ups (KT)
Purple and Yellow Scrap Quilt (My Guy)
Eve's Pansies (mine - the favorite flower of my favorite book series character)
Sunshine and Shadows (mine)

I get such a brain freeze when it comes time to think of a name for my quilts, but this is a pretty good list to work with. Thanks for all the suggestions.

One last thing before I add  Mr. Linky so you can share all your progress (or lack of, as the case may be).  This is post 496.  If I've counted correctly (and there's a good chance I'm off), post 500 should show up on Sunday, but it may be Saturday if I manage to make any progress on my Rainbow Challenge block.  Either way, check back later this week because there will be a small give away to celebrate my 500th post.  Who knew I had so much to say? 

1. Thea

2. Amanda, Seabreeze Quilts

3. Kate

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  1. I like sunshine and violets as a name. I was kidding with the PPE name.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your Guy, Kate! 20 years is quite an accomplishment!

  3. Happy anniversary! I like Sunshine and Lilacs, or Eve's Pansies.

  4. Happy Anniversary Kate and My Guy! 20 years is a big deal worth celebrating.

    You’re working on a few projects there and seem to be making great steady progress. I am in awe of the way you juggle working, sewing and your home life. You always seem to have it all together.

  5. Happy anniversary.

    You did well to fit sewing in around your busy schedule.

  6. congratulations on 20 years!! that's a good excuse not to sew.

    I'm quite challenged when it comes to naming quilts so I am, unfortunately, no help to you. My name for it would be the PAY quilt or perhaps the YAP quilt. "Purple And Yellow" or "Yellow And Purple".

  7. I'm late. Congratulations on the 20 years, it is a big deal in this day and age. It will be 18 years for us this year (we always forget and usually remember a couple of days later) we had better make sure we remember for the big 20. You did well with all the social activities on this week.


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