
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - June 12th

Some weeks it's really easy to find 15 minutes to sew each day, other weeks it's a lot harder.  The last 7 days have been one of those times where it's been hard to either find the time or the energy to get into the sewing room, so this week's report is definitely lack luster.

There were only 3 days where I made it to the sewing room.  A bit of a let down after the previous week's 7 days.  Unfortunately, this week is not likely to be much better.  After hour work commitments will keep me out of the sewing room for a couple of evenings.  At least we are home this weekend, so I'll have time to make up for the week day absences by sewing more then.   

How much time were you able to devote to your craft of choice over the last seven days?  Have you been seduced by the great outdoors?  Or are you busy with kids home for the summer?  Whatever the case, link up and share how you are faring with your personal challenges. 

1. ruth
2. Liz
3. Amanda
4. June @ QuiltQuest
5. Kate
6. libbyQ

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  1. I'm doing English paper piecing, so it's easy to pick it up whenever I have a few minutes.

  2. I've been having weeks like that and really for no good reason. My excuse it that I hate dragging my stuff out just to have to put it back. But that's just an excuse.

  3. Tonight I have a work do so I won't be doing anything either. Have big plans for Thursday and hopefully the weekend. Got to say now that it is cooler it is quite easy to sit down under the heater vent and stitch, there is so much other stuff to do when it is warmer but warmer is a few months now.

  4. i didn't do too badly despite the gardening interuptions.
    managed to sew every day but not always for very long.



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