
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Foto Finish - Red

It's Saturday, but we have no place to go.  Not that we don't have plenty to get done, but at least packing up the car and heading out to somewhere isn't on the to do list this weekend.  Some sewing may actually get done too. 

The suggested theme for today's post is "red".  As I was waiting for the computer to boot, I tried to think where to look for red.  For the life of me I couldn't think of anything red that had recently been the subject of a photograph.  It came down to two choices, a red barn or this:

Flowers are my most favorite thing to photograph, so of course the tulip won out.  This shot is another one from the Spring Break trip to Eureka Springs, AR.  I had the umbrella to keep my head and the camera dry while stalking through the hotel garden snapping photographs, but the rest of me got pretty soaked.   Still it was an enjoyable challenge to attempt to take good shots in the rain.  

So do you have something red to share?  If so, you should link up over at Cat Patches.  Have a wonderful weekend.   


  1. Oooh! This was a great capture, Kate!! I love tulips, too -- and they smell so fresh! :)

  2. Good choice, that picture is gorgeous! I love the water drops.

  3. What a pretty tulip. I love the yellow edges on the petals.

  4. Red is one of my favourite colours. This photo is just gorgeous Kate.

  5. Gorgeous tulip!

    It's too warm here for tulips. We have to put the bulbs into the refrigerator (we call it a "fridge") to "force" them then lift them when the leaves die back. No hope of a second year of flowers in most cases.


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