
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Foto Finish - Gardening

I slept in this morning.  If felt really good to not be in a rush to get out the door, get to the laundry etc.  Drama Teen and I went out for a leisurely breakfast, something we very rarely do.  We enjoyed the slow pace this morning, lingering over breakfast just talking about nothing in particular.  She's going on a trip to Colorado sponsored by the school's science teacher, so I won't have her company for about a week.  It was nice to have some quiet time before we gear up for all the prep and packing she'll need to do before she leaves on Monday. 

The suggested topic this week for Foto Finish is "Gardening".   With my black thumb, gardening is just something that doesn't happen much around here.  Maybe because I'm so bad at the garden thing, I love visiting gardens when we go on vacation.  A number of years ago, we spent a week in Oregon.  One of the places I wanted to visit was the Portland Rose Garden.  I was new to SLR digital photography, my Canon 20D was only about 2 weeks old when we made the trip, so I was still trying to figure out all the settings, so a number of my photos from that visit can be classed as "learning the camera shots".  But I did get a couple of decent shots, including this one. 

I have no idea what kind of flower this is.  We don't have anything like it here in Oklahoma.  I like the colors.  The flower reminds me of a ballerina, it has such graceful lines. 

This is the last Foto Finish until Barbara gets back from her quilty travel adventure next month.  So wonder over to Cat Patches this week and get your Foto fix for the next 30 days. 


  1. Lovely photo, I am not a flower exert, but it looks a lot lie bleeding heart. Glad you were able to spend some quality time with yor family.

  2. Awesome photo! I live in CA and have seen these flowers but don't know what they are. My son lives in Portland and the rose garden is on my list next time I visit so I will be looking for them. ;)

  3. Oh the Portland Rose Garden is one of those places we would never let a guest miss. The flower you picture is a fuchsia. I used to keep them in hanging baskets until I switched to petunias. No reason. I do love the fuchsias.

  4. That is indeed a fuchsia. They are beauties, right? I have a black thumb too and those take a lot of water--which I cannot remember to give even my water-thrifty plants--so I don't grow them. Hope you have a lovely quiet week with your DT gone--and that she has a terrific time on her trip.

  5. Ah fuschia - a flower of my childhood. Dad grew them but WM and I have not been able to replicate his success!

  6. That is a great closeup of the fushia. Gardens are peaceful places, aren't they?

  7. I Love fuchsia's they grow really well here and in our old house I had a shade house full of them, lots of the double variety and in just about every colour, but there was no where to have them in the place where we live now, as everything has to be in pots :(.

  8. It's really pretty and I can't say as I've seen one like it in OK either!!

  9. How very pretty it is, and a great photo shot.


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