
Friday, May 18, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

It's been a busy week, I'm certainly glad to see Friday get here.  I'm actually off work today.  Today is Drama Teen's last day of the school, so I'll be attending the awards ceremony and then playing chauffeur later in the day for her and several friends as they head to the local Cherry Berrys for what as become their traditional last day of school frozen yogurt feast. 

It's been a long time since I've been in school (though I went long enough, 21 years).  The last day of school was always a looked forward to event.  That hasn't changed with DT's entry into the academic realms.  My Guy and I begin to look forward to the last day of school almost as much as she does by the time we get to April.  Summer means, no school sports thus no weekend games.  It means no algebra coaching sessions in the evenings, no science fair experiments spread all over the kitchen table.  It ends the 9 PM run to the grocery store because she forgot that it's her turn to bring the treat the next day. 

Summer is just a lot more relaxed, even though we still go to work each day.  It's amazing how much simpler life is without the need to be sure there are clean uniforms hanging in the laundry room each day and no need to check if her lunch box has to be stocked before I run out the door in the morning (which I invariable forget to do until she asks if I've done so).  So the last day of school is my favorite thing this week. 

For more favorite things, check in with Shay over at Quilting in My Pyjamas. 


  1. School is still in session for another week, here. I enjoy morning traffic a lot more when summer break rolls around! :)

  2. Hooray for Drama Teen successfully making it through the year. Congratulations on your part in helping with the success! :D

  3. What a relief! I remember those days too just a few years ago. Too bad you don't get a break from work as well, but then again it's probably better. That way your teen can sleep 'til noon in peace, LOL. ;)

  4. Memories of those days have faded somewhat, but the grand kids are all doing the same things this week till the end of June to be exact...Congrats on helping it happen!

  5. It still blows my mind that your kids get such a long Summer break. They don't go back to school until about August ...crazy!

    I hope DT enjoys her Summer. (and that you get a chance to enjoy some time off too!)

  6. Congrats to your teenager and I loved the end of school.....especially the school lunches and keeping one eye on the clock all the time. Enjoy!

  7. School out here always goes to the second week of June, so getting out in May sounds pretty good:) It's all relative, right? Enjoy your summer relief. How many more years have you got to go now...

  8. What a great favorite! I love summer vacation.

  9. I was surprised to read that Drama Teen has a uniform! All students at all schools in Australia do but I didn't think it was the norm in USA.


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