
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Favorite Thing Friday - Taking a Mental Health Day

I'm usually a very responsible person.  I'm a wife, a mother, hold down a full time job, pay my taxes on time, etc.  The very model of responsibility (well maybe not a model, maybe just a good imitation of responsibility).  I've been restless all week.  Work and home schedules have been crazy (will be crazy for the forseeable future).  Last night as I was getting ready for bed, it became clear what was needed.  A Mental Health Day.  So this morning I put in a vacation request for Friday and now can look forward to being on my own from about 7:30 AM until 6:00 PM tomorrow.   Not quite 12 hours.  But in that time, there will be just me at home, in the sewing room, playing with fabric.  Maybe not sewing, but I have a lot of fabric to play with.  That should do wonders for my sanity. 

Enjoy your Friday, I'm looking forward to mine.  Hook up with Shay over at Quilting in My Pyjamas to see what other wonderful favorites are out there just waiting to be discovered. 


  1. Have a wonderful day...nothing like a day to be 'nice' to yourself for a change. You will feel like a new woman.

  2. Have a fun day. I'm trying to take the day off too.. well at least part of it.

  3. I'm all for Mental Health Days and have taken a few off this year after hardly using any of my holidays since starting back at work apart from mandatory xmas break (I do only work part time) but sometimes you just need some alone time. I did have today off but it wasn't a mental health day, I decided that I would have an extra day home with the kids so that they didn't have to get farmed of to Nana's for most of the holidays. Back to reality next week. Hope you have a lovely day and a re-energised for the weeks to come.

  4. Being retired, I have mental health days most days....sometimes just

  5. Way to go Kate. It's not irresponsible to take a day for yourself to re-charge your batteries and do something you enjoy. That's smart!

    I hope you spend the day doing exactly what you want and that you feel relaxed and re-invigorated by the end of it.

    By the way the phrase "Im taking a mental health day" here means you've chucked a sneaky sickie....

  6. It's nice to have a day off occasionally and look at the benefits you get from it. Hope you had a fun day.


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