
Friday, February 10, 2012

Favorite Thing Friday - February 10th

Finally it's Friday.   It's been a long week, but not a bad week.  The weekend will be crazy as is typical for the Life in Pieces crew.  Drama Teen needs to be in two places at once, but will just have to content herself with being in one place at a time.  Her crazy schedule doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon, so I guess that means that mine won't be slowing done any time soon either. 

Even so today is Friday. I can wear jeans to work.  There are no meetings on my calender for today.  We don't have anything planned for tonight.  So this week, Friday is my favorite thing. 

For more favorite things, see what's been posted over at Quilting in my Pyjamas. 


  1. I hope you have a good weekend anyway!

  2. When I worked full time, I LOVED Fridays! After lunch, I could feel the stress fading out and the good thoughts of the weekend coming in. Yeah, Friday afternoons are the best.

  3. Too funny, Kate. As I was opening your post I wass thinking that I should like to FTF as Friday is my favorite ting today. Well done!

  4. Friday this week was my all time favourite too Kate. I found returning to the real world quite stressful.

    I hope your weekend gives a you a little time to take some R and R for yourself.

    I wear jeans to work every day !

  5. Yay for Fridays! One thing I *don't* miss with both my children being grown and gone, is the "busyness" of it all! My life is busy enough as it is!! Have a great weekend, Kate! :)

  6. There is something about that I am retired I still get the same feeling about Fridays which seems crazy...must be a left over from all those years of looking forward to it.

  7. Yeah for Friday. At work on Friday there was no network so couldn't do any work but filing (which was badly behind). So Monday will be really fun catching up on all the other stuff I couldn't do. Sport is going to be taking up most of the next 2 weekends as my son has decided to play in a mini tournament at the club on sundays. I guess it will only get worse until he can drive himself lol which will be a few years off.

  8. that is nice, i can wear jeans and casual shoes on sunday sometimes to my work :)

  9. Great FTF .. I like Thursday night better because I haven't wasted any of Friday yet...


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