
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - February 7th

Tuesday already?  My computer says it's Tuesday, but I think the rest of me is still stuck on Sunday.  Oh well.  It is indeed Tuesday, so it's time to look back at how diligent we all were in finding time to sew or (insert your favorite art/craft) here.  Last week wasn't bad. 

I didn't do much sewing, but I did do a lot of prep work on this month's UFO for the Patchwork Times challenge.  Now that I have the border fabrics picked out, maybe I'll make some progress on that this week. 

To shift gears slightly, I've been doing some reading and contemplation of goals, both personal and work related.  The calender has just rolled into the first full week of February.  How many of your 2012 goals are you still working towards?   From what I've been reading, and from what my personal experience has been, most goals (New Years resolutions) are pretty much DOA by the first of February.  A couple of weeks ago I noted that research shows it takes on average 66 days to form a new habit.  If you count from the first of the year, we'll pass that milestone on March 6th. 

Where am I going with this?  I decided that maybe a give away or two or 4 would be a good incentive to help you keep working towards finding those 15 minutes of "me time" to work on your sewing.  Plus, it was a year ago this month that I started challenging myself to spend 15 minutes a day in my sewing room.  What better way to celebrate? 

Here's the guidelines for the give away:

1.  Link up your 15 Minute Challenge post using Mr. Linky each Tuesday in February.   

2.  Your linked post has to include the words "15 Minute Challenge" in the body of the text or in the title.  

3. Plus, in the post somewhere has to be a list of what you did or didn't do the previous 7 days.  You can use pictures of the projects, a fancy report like I use, or a simple Tuesday through Monday list. 

4.  You have until the next Monday to link up with the week's challenge. 

I'll use a random number generator to pull one winner from those who link up with each weekly challenge post in February and meet the above guidelines.  The winner will be identified in the next week's post.  I think that covers it. 

What is this week's give away?

It's a copy of Back to Charm School by Mary Etherington and Connie Tesene, plus 4 charm packs of the Connecting Threads "Symphony of Blues" collection. 

Now that you've stuck through all of that, link up with how well you did with your 15 minute challenge goals. 

1. Thea
2. Shay
3. Nana B
4. Pat
5. PJ off Avondale Rd.
6. Amanda, Seabreeze Quilts
7. Kate
8. libbyQ
9. Hueisei
10. Barb H

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. What a smart idea to get people grooving on the challenge!! :)

  2. Greetings! I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. It adds considerably to my reading enjoyment. I'm honoring you with the Versatile Blogger award.

  3. How fun to have a giveaway connected with the challenge .. will definitely help me. and great for you doing something sewing related every day! Have a great week!

  4. Wonderful giveaway Kate.

    I have been a bit slack this week I must confess. Too many distractions!

    7 out of 7 ! Way to go. Im going to try better this week but Im finding it really hard to get into the groove. This working thing really stinks!

  5. Nice gifts. I am going to see if I can remember last week....

  6. All this and gifts too! Sweet!

  7. Since I am retired and my time is mine to do as I please, I have not participated in the 15min challenge. But I think you have done very well - a whole year of keeping yourself accountable to strangers! :-)

  8. Linked to the wrong post dam going to have to go back and fix it. Set out everything I did this week like a good girl. I am doing this at work in my lunch break having a bit of a poo poo to work moment and need to just have a 10 minute break... or was that half and hour better get back to it. I see lots of sewing in my future so I think I will be set to keep the challenge for the rest of the month. Catch you next week.

  9. Blogger didn't post my post againnnnnnnn

  10. you did great this week and the give-away is such a fun idea~!!~


  11. I just found out this challenge. Am I too late to join the fun??

  12. Sounds like a fun challenge! I always enjoy your blog, so you're getting a Versatile Blogger Award :-)

  13. Kate, I just discovered your blog and I really need the 15 minute challenge to get me going. And I'd love to win your giveaway! Maybe the book would help me use up some of the stash I've accumulated over the past couple of years! :0)


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