
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Stash Report - January 22nd

It's been a nice weekend here at Life in Pieces.  Other than church and a pizza run last night, I've not been out of the house.  The sewing room saw some action yesterday, so the stash report shows a bit going out. 

Used last week: 1.32 yards
Added last week:  0 yards

Used for 2012: 1.6 yards
Added for 2012:  22.5 yards

Net stashed for 2012:  20.9 yards

Still way in the red, but the goal this year isn't stash reduction.  This year the goal is to balance the stash, add in the blenders and mixers so that it's easier to shop the stash and come up with fabrics for a complete quilt.  The other half of the stash management strategy is to use more fabric.  I've already used more fabric than last January.  So not too bad for the third report of 2012. 

Jump over to Patchwork Times for more tales of the stash. 


  1. I definitely agree with having to freshen up your stash. I did that last year and ended up a few yards in the black so was happy. Same goal this year to not really add but use up some of the old stuff and get new that is more to my taste now plus like you the blenders.

  2. Blenders are important! I'll have to add next week because I don't have any blenders in my stash to shop from.

  3. You're wise to add more blenders. When I was starting to build my stash I had nothing but theme fabrics and it was rare that I found something I could use without buying more. When I started adding blenders I was able to use more from my stash. And--bonus--they are often found on sale.

  4. like your term "balancing the stash" . I am going to keep that in mind while fabric shopping this year.

  5. I like that - balancing the stash... great idea. But I also like that you are using more of it. Its fun to see what you will make!!

  6. I think we all started by buying more theme fabrics and we are maturing in to the having a stash that is more basic and multipurpose. Funny how habits slowly change.


  7. I did a lot of stash balance two years ago and it *really* paid off! This year my goal is to make as many quilts (and/or finish as many UFOs) as possible, while buying as little as possible! LOL! I'm glad you had a happy week!! :)

  8. It's a great plan and sounds like it will bring a more balanced stash.


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