
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Foto Finish - Where I Live

The "no place to go weekend" has been wonderful so far.  We all slept in a bit this morning.  So my Foto Finish post is a bit later than normal.  The very talented sponsor of Foto Finish, Barbara over at Cat Patches, has graciously decided to reintroduce the weekly themes for those of us who can't pick out a photo to post without some guidance.  But the themes are optional.  Works for me.  Thank you Barbara. 

This week's optional theme is "Where I Live".  In searching through my images, I cam across this one from a few years ago.

This is the empty field at the end of our street.  Our neighborhood is on the very edge of town.  Past this point it is all prairie and farms.  Oklahoma is for the most part flat and doesn't have the most beautiful landscape in terms of hills, trees, and forests.  But the prairie does show off the endless sky to great advantage.   I like the dark background created by the clouds and the gold tones of the field and tree. The sun provides the most beautiful golden light on many late winter afternoons.  I just have to convince myself to bundle up and deal with the bitterly cold winds that usually come with winter so I can go take photographs.  I usually end up staying home in my cozy, heated sewing room. 

Check out all the other Foto Finishes over at Cat Patches


  1. Very pretty, Kate. I do love the endless skies in Oklahoma. I like the contrasting colors in this image. Very nice.

  2. Love your surreal looking!!

  3. really nice!
    I feel like I'd love to see a snapshot of every blogger I follow in the world... just to see how different places can be! mmm... that would be an idea...

  4. I should do something like this... the area around here is quite pretty. Maybe I could dig up some photos of where we used to live?
    Glad you are having a relaxing day so far!

  5. Thanks for dropping by. My mailbox is in the shape of a cat!

  6. I'm with you. I like to stay bundled up inside during the winter. I love the openness of your part of the country. Great photo.


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