
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Foto Finish - January 7th

The first week of 2012 is almost past.  It was back to work for me this week, back to school for the Drama Teen (the new alias for Kiddo).  Life is settling into it's familiar pattern of work deadlines and priority shifts on projects for me.  Swim practice, volleyball practice and looming on the horizon the dreaded science fair poster due Thursday for poor D.T. 

This morning, I'm  sitting in the recliner contemplating what to post for Foto Finish and reflecting very positively on D.T.'s move into the teen ranks.  We're off to a swim meet today, but D.T. has now aged up into the senior ranks. Warm ups aren't until 12 noon.  No running around in the wee hours to get bags packed, snacks made, get it all into the car and on the road at 0 dark thirty.   I actually have time to contemplate and browse images at my leisure.  Which I've done and came up with this one from the fall.

On one of our "free" weekends last September, we decided to make the trek to Tulsa and spend the day at the Philbrook Museum.  In addition to an exceptional art collection, the grounds are beautiful.  That time of year the Monarch's are plentiful as they migrate south to their winter homes.  I didn't have the DSLR with me that day, so this shot comes from the point and shoot.  It does pretty well for a little camera.  It was windy that day, but thankfully the butterflies weren't all the skittish, so you could get up close and wait for a break in the wind. 

That's it for me this week.  Grap your next cup of coffee and check out all the other Foto Finishes over at Cat Patches.


  1. Great capture -- good crop and foreground focus, too! :)

  2. Beautiful! You really got the details well.

  3. Gorgeous, Kate. I love the new alias for DT. Love reading about the swim meets too. I swam competitively at her age. Just about the time you start winning your events, you turn another year older and fall to the bottom of the age group again. It's such a great sport, especially for girls.

  4. Beautiful photo! Thanks for sharing...have a great weekend!

  5. Gorgeous shot - love the soft colours of the flower against the brighter background.

  6. I have to say I love the new name for the-kid formerly known as kiddo. It's perfect.

    Another wonderful shot too. I really want to practice taking better pictures this year.

  7. Lovely photo! "Drama Teen" is an interesting choice - I wonder how soon she'll want you to change it?

  8. Beautiful photo! Point 'n shoots take amazing photos these days.

  9. The butterfly is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


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