
Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 - Life in Pieces Final Report

I've been tying up loose ends for 2011, cleaning up the sewing room, putting up left over yardage and cutting up scraps in addition to getting started on 2012 projects.  In the same spirit, I've been cleaning up the blog, updating pages and other blog house keeping chores.  I was getting ready to update the Goals tab for 2012 and realized I hadn't really taken stock of how well I did on meeting the 2011 goals.  So here goes:

1.  Finish 4 UFOs - 50% (finished 2)

2.  Start 4 new quilts - 100% (started 4)

3.  Catalog Pigs, Finish One, Start Another - 100%

4.  Stash Management - 29%
          Use 2 stash fabrics in each quilt - 86%
          New fabric budget of 40 yards - 0%
          Use more fabric than I buy - 0%

Finished Quilts - 7

Works in Progress - 5

Not a bad year.  I did really well on getting quilts started and so-so on finishing UFOs.  In terms of stash reduction, at first glance I didn't do really well.   I did use at least one stash fabric in each project I finished, so a good job there. But even though I bought more than I used, I did much better on keeping the stash enhancement reasonable.  If you compare 2011 to 2010, I did really well. In 2010 I enhanced the stash by over 300 yards, in 2011 the enhancement dropped to just under 50 yards.  I am proud of that achievement, even though I didn't meet my original goals. 

More starts, more UFO finishes coupled with selective buying for finishes and a budget for "must have fabric" is the core of my 2012 goals.  I'm looking forward to a fun year.  Hope you are too. 


  1. Way to go, Kate! You had some lovely finishes and I think your efforts towards your goals was terrific! And even more telling is that you are pleased with what you did -- that must feel great! :)

  2. You did great, most especially when you consider just how ambitious your goals for 2011 were! The Christmas quilts look so festive. Way to go!

  3. Yay! I hope I'm as successful in 2012 as you were in 2011! Good luck in 2012 as well!

  4. You did great this year - i remember the stash enhancement from last year - but some years enhancement is necessary, so that is nothing to be too concerned about.

    Your finishes are wonderful and you did make good progress on many of your goals.

    Oh - and how 'bout them Cowboys! Michigan State also went into overtime with field goals - why do they have to do that to us??? And I still have Michigan to worry about tomorrow!


  5. You did well on your goals. Lots of finishes too. Good for you.

  6. Woo hoo you did really well on your goals for the year, and produced beautiful quilts. The Flurry quilt backing you designed is simply beautiful.

  7. Gotta love those finishes Kate.

    The back of Flurry is a masterpiece. You should write a tutorial and become famous. Really!

    I think the projects you brought into 2012 look very interesting and I'm sure they will make beautiful 2012 finishes.

  8. I think you had a very successful 2011; good luck with your goals for 2012.


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