
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - January 10th

How are your quilty resolutions going this second week of January?  I've made good progress on all but the stash management and even there I'm not doing too bad.  But I made the mistake of looking at Hancock Fabric's new catalog on line last night.  Oooh, there are lots of pretty, pretty fabrics for spring.  I may be in big trouble on that front.

I've done pretty well with finding a few minutes each day to sew, ending the week with 6 out of 7 days with at least 15 minutes spent on quilt related projects. 

No sewing on Friday as we celebrated Drama Teen's birthday in Tulsa.  I was just too tired when we got home and ended up going straight to bed.  Still not a bad week.  I've been making myself turn off the computer no later than 8:30 PM and head upstairs to the sewing room.  So that's been working for me. 

I've been starting up new projects and fine tuning older ones.  One big time soak has been my stash organization or maybe I should say lack there of.  I finally got most of the stash out of plastic bins where I can see it, but most if it's not folded to to fit on the shelves and it's not sorted by color.  Trying to see if  the stash has something that will work in a project has been an exercise in frustration.  It would take significant time to stop and do nothing but organize, but maybe that's what I should do.  Of course, there's not much time to do that either.   Since January is the month of new beginnings, maybe it's time to challenge myself to spend a couple of nights a week folding and sorting the stash closet.  That will take me away from sewing, but I think I'd benefit from not spending hours looking to see what I really have in any given color.  I'm going to try that this week, see how it works. 

Now it's your turn.  Write a post about what you did last week on the crafty front and include anything that's keeping you from making the most of your craft time.  Use Mr. Linky to share it here. 

1. Liz
2. Thea
3. Pat
4. Shay
5. Darla
6. Kate
7. Amanda
8. Jay

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  1. My computer, always my computer!

  2. You had a good week and I agree that time spent organizing the stash now will help in the long run.

    It does help to put like fabrics together. I once tried to arrange my stash just by color, but that was more time consuming since I had to always go through the holidays, plaids, florals, etc to find a green or red.

    And, if you put anything back into tubs, take pictures. It's a lot easier to look through a slide show than pull out a bunch of tubs.


  3. Nice week! Good work on the computer discipline. I've been doing a little better this week myself. Question, how is your stash organized? do you have any pictures? I don't have that big of a stash and right now I'm just using some clear drawers. I'm thinking that I need to figure out something that might work better.

  4. Definitely stash organization counts as time in your sewing room, even if you're not sewing. It clears your head and helps you focus better, and often I find I'm inspired to work on things with a new perspective! So I say, go for it!

  5. Six out of seven - that's good! Let me know what you come up with for stash organization. I need to come up with a better way of storing mine.

  6. I'm going to try this, at least this week.
    I don't know if I am no reply or not - I use wordpress and it doesn't always show up

  7. Did sew everyday this week but won't link up. How many pictures of the same x-stitch can blog. Did lots of x-stitch pattern buying this week too so I see lots more in my future. Will have to divide my time soon though so that I have more to show for 15 minute challenge.

  8. Oh my, I completely forgot about the challenge post. I'm not even sure what day it is sometimes. I won't link up, but I did manage to get some sewing in at least 4 days of the last week. Unfortunately, I got a new book and my evenings have been spent reading instead.

  9. I organised my stash by colour and fabric type recently and it's been so much easier to keep track of what I have.

    We all need to take stock occasionally!

  10. i need to do a good stash cupboard re-org but don't even know where to start~! you'll have to share your best tips as you go along.

    i've had a bit of difficulty linking over to three of the names on Mr. Linky's list . . . would love to visit all but not sure why i'm not getting the connection.
    i'll add my name and link next week after i've posted my own(first) report card.


  11. This is my first time to post on the 15 min this a weekly thing or just when do I know when to post?


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