
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Foto Finish - Ribbon

It's Saturday, finally.  The end of another crazy busy week and the beginning of 2 weeks of vacation.  Yeah!  I've been MIA this week on the blog, mainly due to end of year reports that had to be in on Friday so I could take vacation.  I've put in a number of evenings this week and a few early mornings trying to get stuff done and turned in.  Nothing like making it in under the wire.  The last report went to the boss at 5:15 PM yesterday just before I had to leave to pick up Kiddo from swim practice.  Now I can pretty much concentrate on Christmas stuff, which has become a dire need with stuff needing to get to UPS by Monday.  I do hope to spend some time catching up with email and everyone's blogs.  And of course, some sewing will sneak in there as well. 

Barbara's theme for this week's Foto Finish is "ribbon".  Some of my best memories of Christmas are helping Mom wrap Christmas gifts (as well as eating all the icing when we decorated sugar cookies, but I digress).  My Mom loves pretty packages, often making her own bows to get just the right bow for a package.  I know she passed that love down to me.  My holiday wrapping stash is proof of that. 

As you can see I have a lot of bows that are meant to be put on the tree.  Those bows are great if  you have to ship a lot of your gifts or end up jam packing everything into the car to make the drive to spend time with family.  The regular "fluffy" bows get crushed and look yucky, so I've looked for bows that can take a bit of close contact with another package and still look good.  The "pom pom" bows also hold up well at close quarters, so they've been creeping into the holiday stash in recent years.  I'm still working on trying to make these "everyday item" shots look more glamorous, that skill definitely needs more work. 

That's it for me this morning.  Take a break from your holiday preparations to visit Cat Patches for more ribbons to get wrapped up in. 


  1. Love your bows...and smart thinking, too. I end up shipping (and schlepping) a lot of our gifts, and the normal bows always end up looking...icky! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Great selection! The flat ones are a good idea for traveling.

  3. Very smart of you. I'm so used to the ones thatcrush that I never considered the advantages of the flat ones.

  4. I love ribbons and bows and other bits and bobs to dress up gifts. This year I used proper ribbon on all my gifts ..people are going to hate me come Christmas morning!

  5. Two weeks off, how wonderful! We have the week after Christmas and I plan to enjoy the heck out of that. It has been some year! Enjoy your holiday prep and hope all your packages make it safely to their receivers. Happy Holidays!

  6. Your ribbon stash is gorgeous! My mom loves to dress up packages with big bows made from wired ribbon. I usually scoop them up and use them on the in-laws gifts. LOL


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