
Friday, November 25, 2011

Foto Finish - Birds

Is it Saturday?  I've been off since Tuesday and it's easy to loose track of the days.  I think we finished off the last of the turkey left overs at dinner tonight.  Now I just need to work off the ? pounds I've gained since Thursday. 

I missed last Saturday's Foto Finish due to business travel and Kiddo's swim meet.  I'm ready for this week.  I even have a brand new photo to post. 

It was a glorious warm and sunny Thanksgiving this year.   My Guy was nice enough to loan me his newest telephoto lens for our morning walk.  With it I was able to get this shot of a Cedar Waxwing having his own Thanksgiving feast of left over Persimmons.  There was a whole flock of Cedar Waxwings enjoying the bounty.  We watched them for awhile before heading back indoors to enjoy our own Thanksgiving feast. 

For more "fowl fotos"check out Cat Patches


  1. Yum! That does look like a little birdie feast. I think I saw your guy with a monster lens on his camera. Nice! This is a great shot. Our Thanksgiving weather wasn't fit for man nor beast.

  2. He really is enjoying his feast. I know what you mean about losing track of the days - I have been off work for nearly four weeks now since having knee surgery - I often have no idea what the date is.

  3. beautiful! we had very nice weather here it is raining, but we're supposed to get snow tomorrow

  4. Great shot. That little birdie looks like he's enjoying Thanksgiving.

  5. Lovely shot! I love birdwatching... I like seeing other countries' species. Aren't they beautiful things?!


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