
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - November 1st

The ghosts and goblins are all gone.  There's a pile of candy wrappers on the dining room table where Kiddo did her homework last night.  Halloween is over and it's November already.  So  welcome to week 4 of "Oh No It's November Already!" version of the 15 Minute Challenge - Christmas Sewing edition.  I'm working hard to finish 5 quilts that I want to give as Christmas gifts this year by committing to spending at least 15 minutes in my sewing room each day.  I did OK this week, working on projects 7 out of the 7 days last week.

Though 3 nights weren't actually sewing nights, I've spent some time on the computer working up a label for Texas Twilight.  I know what I want it to look like and I'm not there yet.  I had some CD drive problems that I'm having to work around.  I want to load a photo to add to the label, but the computer won't cooperate.   

I did make significant progress on the Geisha quilt.  We don't have much going on this next weekend, so I'm thinking of a doing a private quilt retreat to see if I can finish the Geisha top so it can go to Trudy for quilting.  That's probably my last chance for significant progress on Christmas sewing, things get busy after that with business travel, swim meets and Thanksgiving preparations.  What I want quilted for Christmas has to be in the mail to Trudy just after Thanksgiving for her to have time to finish it and mail it back.  So my deadlines are getting close.   

If you are looking for a more concentrated bout of Christmas sewing closer to the big date, you should check out Cat Patchs' Occupy Your Sewing Room blog event. 

Occupy Sewing Room

She has prizes and such if you participate.  Since I work I can't dedicate the time she proposes, but I may try to kick it up a bit during that week to see if I can get some other projects done.  If I start on Jigsaw, maybe I can get it done in time for Kiddo's birthday.  I don't think she's getting it for Christmas this year. 

How did you do this week on finding time for crafting?   Link up with Mr. Linky and let us know. 

1. Think outside the BLOCK!

2. Kate

3. 501quiltblocks

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  1. You are such an inspiration, Kate! The only sewing I completed was an infinity scarf...a paisley print made of a soft velvety fabric in cream & brown, with the reverse side crushed satin in cream. I love it so much, I plan to make another for a giveaway. ☺

    Keep sewing! Thanks for the update. Happy Tuesday! ☺

    PS...I'm looking for guest-bloggers to share Christmasy tutorials. I'd love for you to join between swim meets, travel, and quilt-finishing. ;)

  2. Yay for every day! I've got to get in contact with my quilter and see when her holiday deadline is...

  3. I have been working on 13 UFO's since Oct. 19th and I had to think outside the BLOCK for project number 12! Thanks for hosting! Helps me to push to get them all done!
    Enjoy your day!

  4. 53 days - thanks for the kick in the head, I needed that - LOLOL! I would so love to do join in on Occupy Your Sewing Room - a week in my sewing room would be Heaven! Maybe someday!

  5. Another crafty week Kate. I dont know how you managed to get so much done with all your other commitments. Are you superwoman?

    Oh my goodness...That means I have to finish a quilt every 9 days to get the 6 lurking round here done before the end of the year.

    This week really sucked for me with crafting. Aside from the pyjamas I didnt get a lot done so no linking up for me this week :(

  6. You go girl! Keep up the good work!

  7. Way to go! The closest I came to sewing this week was looking at my sewing machine. I've got to get going. Next week.

  8. Enjoy your private quilt retreat. I have such a full weekend coming up that I do not think I will get much done. The exception is a friend coming over to quilt for a few hours on Saturday.

  9. Most of my week was spent playing in the sun/semi sun in Queensland so I didn't do to much thought the weekend I did make major progress on my quilt. I have one more star to applique on to a cornerstone and then I can sew the final 2 borders on and the top is finished. Every year the shops are bringing in more Halloween stuff and we get a few groups of kids knocking on our door but on principal we don't do it as it is just another way for the big shops to make more money and nothing to do with traditions down here. But I understand the big deal it is in the US and it is sad when the kids get older and let things go.


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