
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Foto Finish - Something Round

It's Saturday!  Finally.  It always seems like the week you are back at work after taking vacation is unusually long.  At least it works that way for me. 

The previous two weeks, Barbara's  Foto Finish themes have been a challenge.  This week I was pretty sure there would be something in my files that would work.  To be honest, I had too many shots that would work.  Finally I asked My Guy to make the call.  He narrowed it down to two and I finally picked this one because we both agreed it fit the theme best. 

I like the colored tops of all the markers.  I'm not sure why it is, but there is something appealing about a brand new box of colored makers, pencils, or crayons.  I can't draw to save my life, but I still love the idea of a new box of color.  These are actually scrapbooking markers that I bought for one of Kiddo's projects.  Now they reside in the sewing room and I use them to color my hand written piecing instructions when color placement is important. 

Circle around to Cat Patches to see more round somethings. 


  1. Yep, a circle of colour - works for me!

  2. This is a wonderful shot. I so totally agree about a new box of crayons. I've always loved them when the points are still sharp and they're all still the same paper peeled off. Makes you hate to use them.

  3. What a great photo - love all the colours. Sometimes the most ordinary things make the best shots.

  4. Love this picture Kate . Those colours make me feel so happy!

  5. Oh yeah! I'm a sucker for markers & crayons & pens & anything else that I can color with. I'm jealous of your glass-o-markers, and it's a terrific shot too! :D


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