
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Foto Finish - Something Old

It's been an incredibly long week for some reason.  I'm so glad it's Saturday.  It's been nice this morning to just sit in the recliner with my coffee and scan files for an appropriate photo for today's post.  Barbara's picked "something old" as the theme for this week,  As I was poking around in my digital files, I kept asking myself, "What is old?".  How old does something have to be to be considered old?  Does a 1960's tractor count?  Is that old enough?  How about a building constructed in the early 1900's?  Or do you need to search out images of rock formations that have endured for centuries?  I finally decided on this image, mainly because I liked it. 

I love the light shining on the moss and the ivy covering the gnarled branches of this oak tree.  This old man of the south sits in one of the many squares in Savannah, Georgia. 

To see more old stuff, check out the other Foto Finish links over at Cat Patches


  1. What a beautiful old tree. I'm especially partial to the oak trees in our area. When they lose their leaves, their branches remind me of lace. Thanks for sharing

  2. Very cool picture but I'll bet it could seem a little creepy at night. Good choice!

  3. Love the Spanish moss! Good share. :)

  4. Wow...I wonder how old that tree is? I love old trees. I often ponder how much they must have seen and how incredible it is that they are still with us.

    I love that photo too. The play of light through the branches is amazing.

  5. Love old trees, it's amazing to think how long they have been there. That is a really beautiful tree.

  6. Perhaps "old" is relative to lifespan. For example, 100 years ago, I would have been old -- now I'm only late middle age! In Australia, a building is old if it's more than 100 years and very old if it's more than 150 since we've only had permanent buildings in Australia since 1788. In Europe, they have Roman ruins so 100 years is still a new building!

  7. What a beautiful oak tree. With the moss dripping down, I'll bet it's a big hit at Halloween too!


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