
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - October 25th

It's week 3 of the 15 Minute Challenge - The "Where Does the Time Go" Christmas Sewing version. 

Progress was made this week on the Christmas gift sewing I wanted to do.  It never seems to be as much time as I would like, but managing to find at least 15 minutes to sew 5 out of 7 days in a very busy week is not bad.

The binding is done on the Buck-a-Block quilt, which has now been dubbed Texas Twilight (thanks to My Guy for that spiffy name).  Now it just needs a label and then it will be finished.  I'm making progress on the Geisha quilt.  No progress on the other 3 gift quilts on my list.  Though once the Texas Twilight is labeled, I'll start working on the binding for Flurry.  I'm confident that I can finish 3 of the 5 quilts for Christmas.   I've not given up on the other 2, but it's looking less and less likely that they will make it to the finished column.  However, I do have 5 vacation days that I need to take between now and the end of the year or I lose them.  So there may be a one or two day sew-a-thon in my future. 

Did you manage to find time for Christmas sewing or other crafty endeavors this last week?   If so (or if not), write up your tale and share it with Mister Linky. 


  1. I love the way you've done your list! Very clever! How did you do it?

    I've been sewing a lot today, working on a donation quilt with a masculine theme. At 11:55pm, it's time for bed!

  2. I always like to have a sewathon over the Thanksgiving weekend :) Beats shopping any day.

  3. Sounds like you're moving right along. Your report format looks great!


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