
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - August 9th

Sorry to be so late posting the challenge this morning.  I had to find a place that has a dial up modem, there is no wireless anything where I'm at this week. 

Last week was a mixed bag in terms of getting to my sewing room for at least 15 minutes.  Thursday there was a parent meeting for Kiddo's swim team and I got home late.  Friday and Saturday were not feeling well days.  I bounced back on Sunday, but had to hit the road again.  I was able to bring the hexes with me this time and was able to find make some time in the mornings to get in my 15 minutes of stitching. 

The 4 out of 7 days isn't too bad.  I've done worse.  Last week's report also included travel days in it.  There were several comments last week about how much easier it would be if those of who have day jobs didn't.  Without the day job, I wouldn't be able to afford the fabric.  So for now, I'll have to keep working.  I've been using the challenge to keep me on track with my projects.  It helps.  Having a hand work project also lets me keep my hand on a project when I'm traveling.  Do any of you have tricks/tips on how to keep your projects on track when you work and/or travel? 

Thanks to all who link up each week.  It's nice to be reminded that I'm not the only one who occasionally just doesn't feel like sewing or has family commitments that don't always allow for quilting time.  Thanks also to those who provide support and understanding via comments.  They are all appreciated. 

Here's Mr. Linky if you want to link up this week.

PS.  I promise to comment on everyone's posts, but I will probably be a bit late this week.   


  1. Wow, you are doing great considering the fact you even have to go on trips..I try to work a little at a time, and if that doesn´t work I try to work for an hour or two on the weekends. But in the end this is just a past time and should be fun...and we should not get all stressed out about getting "something" done.
    I won´t link up today - I just don´t feel like writing another post, but I did get something done everyday (baby blocks or quilting)
    Hope you are having a great week, greetings Kirsten

  2. I did Ok this week but dont have a post prepped (because I didn't think YOU would he he )

    I still think you had a great week all things considered.

  3. I take knitting along with me when travelling or even just leaving the house for appointments.


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