
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - August 2nd

Can you believe it's August?   I can when I step outside.  The high today is supposed to be close to 110 F.  The first 2 weeks of August are typically the warmest of the year in Oklahoma.  In a summer that has already been one of the hottest on record, that's a bit alarming.  It's hard to do much outside, which is OK with me since quilting is an indoor activity. 

I didn't do too well last week on the challenge.  The out of town business trip took up 3 nights.  I didn't bother taking my handwork, as I fully expected to work late both nights I was on site and that's exactly what happened.  Add in the two nights spent wrestling with ear problems induced by flying with sinus congestion and I only managed to find time in the sewing room 3 out of the last 7 days. 

The ears are still messed up, but I at least feel up to sewing.  This next week should be better, not as much going on.  Though Kiddo and I need to make a few shopping runs to get school supplies and find her some new tennis shoes before school starts.  I have hopes of finishing the Flurry top and getting the binding sewn to the front of the Buck-A-Block quilt. 

How did you do on your sewing/crafting goals last week?  Link up and share if you are so inclined. 


  1. Don't you just hate it when work interferes with fun?!

  2. At least you got something done...I didn´t get anything done..oh well..there is always another week.

  3. You made great headway considering all your travels and how you felt. I have no excuse for not sewing...I just didn't 'feel' like it.

    Do you have Academy Sports in your area? They were having fabulous shoe sales. We found tennis shoes on sale for the boys' big man-feet (size 12 for my 13yo!) for $10.

    Stay cool and Happy Tuesday!

  4. It's such a shame when work interferes with life, isn't it? ;-)

    Nevermind, there's another week ahead!

  5. Sorry your ear is messed up. Hopefully you will be back to normal in the next couple of days. I can't wait to see the Buck a Block quilt all finished. I love that one.

  6. Look on the bright side - you did get some sewing done, just not your goal amount.

    Don't forget that it's tax-free shopping weekend coming up. I need new walking shoes, so I'll wait till then. There is a new outlet mall opening somewhere along I40 in OKC with lots of good stores. I imagine that it will a madhouse this weekend, so I'll wait till later to go exploring.


  7. At least you're making some progress, and considering your schedule and how you've been feeling, that's a lot better than nothing! Take care!

  8. You did better than I did. Ooh, ear pain is the pits. I hope you are getting over it now and it wasn't an infection.

    I think I've got my other projects under control (yeah, like that could happen) and can get back to some sewing and quilting now. You're right, it's just too hot to do anything else.

  9. I was a complete slug this week. At least you had a valid excuse. Work commitments and ear infections will certainly put a crimp in your crafty plans!

    Let's hope we both have better mojo this week....

  10. With all that you were dealing with, I think you did quite well. Hopefully next week will be better.


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