
Monday, July 4, 2011

Design Wall Monday - July 4th

Happy 4th of July!  We are planning to spend the day with my family.  Mom has promised fried chicken and potato salad for dinner.  Not sure what else is on the agenda, as is typical we'll make it up as we go along.  

Design wall #1 has nothing on it because I finished adding the final borders to the Buck-A-Block quilt. 

The back is done, both are pressed and folded up ready to go to Trudy for quilting.  I'm really happy with how this quilt turned out, but it doesn't look like what I had envisioned when I started it.   I'm going to need a new name for this quilt.  The dark fabric in the blocks is a print with Texas blue bonnets.  The last border was supposed to be TX blue bonnets too, but that didn't work with the rest of the setting.  So now I need a new name.  Any suggestions? 

Design wall # 2 has 3 rows of the purple and yellow scrap blocks laid out on it. 

Only one row, 7 blocks, left before this leader and enders project can be set together.  So what's going up on design wall #1?  I need to get going on my niece's quilt if I want to have it done in time to give it as a Christmas present.  But Shay over at Quilting in My Pyjamas posted a pattern on her blog this weekend for a Christmas quilt that I'm dying to make.  Decisions, decisions.  I guess there is no reason why I can't work on both. 

To check out what else is up on design walls in blogland, check in with Judy's Patchwork Times


  1. I like the blended look of the yellow and violet quilt--very nice.

  2. I absolutely ADORE your blue and black quilt. I love the double black border that reigns in everything AND I love the setting triangles that are half blue and half black. As far as the name, maybe bonnet border patrol? ... not so good.

    Anyway, good job on that quilt! You must be very proud!

  3. I like the quilt - the borders are perfect for it.

    Have a happy 4th.


  4. How about calling it "Three B's" (blue buck a block)?!?
    Love that present block...I'd like to try it too!

  5. I really like the quilt formerly known as the buck-a-block quilt. It is beautiful. Maybe you should call it Prince? The borders are really nice.

    Happy 4th! Enjoy the potato salad and fried chicken!

  6. I love the buck-a-block! You did a great job on the borders, even though the blue bonnet one didn't work out.

  7. I love your buck a block quilt. How about Nighttime Stars? Enjoy your July 4th celebration today!

  8. It looks really great, Kate! The focus really hones in on the center with those solid borders. I'll have to remember that, print lover that I am! I think the suggestion of Prince was pretty funny, but you may not want to be explaining that!

    Have a great 4th celebration. Fried chicken and potato salad sound yummy.

  9. I'm useless at naming my own quilts Kate so I cant help.

    But the quilt formerly known as Buck a Block looks AMAZING! I love it.

    Hope you're full of fried chicken and have had a wonderful Independence Day!

  10. I love the way your colors pop in the purple and yellow quilt!

  11. Oh I love these both! Fabulous!

  12. It may not be what you envisioned and it may be getting a new name but that doesn't change the fact that it is a truly beautiful quilt.

  13. That is a beautiful quilt. Starry Night is what popped into my head.

  14. You have created two spectacular quilts. You have a great eye for color and composition. great job.


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