
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - July 18th

It's Tuesday, time to fess up to what you did with your spare time last week.  Of course, that's assuming you had spare time, which seems to be in very short supply for many of us these hot, hot days of summer. 

Before we get to that part, the random number generator did it's thing this morning.  Here are the 3 winners for last week's give away.

                  Gretchen from 120 Blocks
                  Lynne from Never too Hot to Knit
                  Trudy from Quilt your Happy A** off with Trudy

Congratulations to all the winners.  All three have been notified via email.  I would like to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments about what keeps you from sewing and the tips/tricks you use to eek out more quilting time.   

Moving on to confession time.  I actually didn't do too bad this week.  I managed at least 15 minutes for 7 out of the last 7 days. 

Thursday was a total loss as we attended the local Children's Theatre production of "Annie get Your Gun".  Several of Kiddo's friends were in the cast.  They did a great job, it was a very good production.  I finished cutting all the fabric for the packages and ribbons for the Flurry quilt last night.  Now I just need to get a few background strips cut so I can assemble the packages. 

How did you fare this week?  Link up and share your success or seek consolation for last week's efforts. 


  1. Great use of your time, Kate! I do better in larger batches of time. I managed to stitch all the Flurry bows to the packages and connect 8 boxes into two rows.

    Happy Tuesday! ☺

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the charm pack.

    I've been too wonky-headed to sew for the past week; I had a heavy cold which greatly affected my sinuses! But I've got plans for tomorrow and my "getting to know your machine" class tomorrow night!

  3. You have done well this week! I have linked my second week - only one day where I got no craft done, yay!

  4. You got quite a bit done .. can't wait to see the flurry quiilts!

  5. Wow, you´ve really been busy! Good job!!

  6. Congratulations to all the winners.

    I think that you made a monumental effort this week. Lots of new projects in the wind at your house by the looks of it! Cant wait to see them on your design wall..especially the Geisha quilt. I love that name.

  7. You have been busy. I haven't been sewing every night but I have been finishing tutorials about sewing and pattern writing so I think that counts. I am running out of time to do another sampler for my applique class so this week will be all out even though it is school holidays.

  8. You got a lot accomplished this week. How fun to watch your kids' friends in a play. I always enjoy it more when I know people in the cast.


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