
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Foto Finish - Something New

It's Saturday, so it's time for this week's Foto Finish post.  I had a hard time with this one for some reason.  Barb is using the common wedding planning adage:

Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

as the theme for this month's Foto Finishes. So I did some Internet sleuthing to get some inspiration.  The  "something new" is supposed to represent optimism and hope for the bride's new life after marriage. 

After giving the "new life" part some consideration, this is the image that seemed to fit best. 

This pretty pink hydrangea grows in our kitchen under the loving care of My Guy.  Which is where the "new life" part of the story comes in.  This lovely hydrangea was gifted to me a couple of years ago on Mother's Day.  It is one of my favorite flowers.  But I have black thumbs, I kill anything potted and green within a couple of weeks. This plant was no different and it looked set to curl up it's roots and give up it's botanical spirit.  My Guy took over and nursed it back to health, so I can again enjoy the lovely blooms.   This shot was taken last week when I realized a number of his our potted flowers were blooming. 

Hop over to Cat Patches to check out other "something new" shots. 


  1. How pretty! and how sweet that your Guy is taking care of it for you!

  2. Gorgeous! Love that pink color. Hydrangeas are among my favorites.

  3. Hydrangeas are such beautiful flowers & your's is no exception! I used to have a lovely blue one, but it didn't like it when I moved.
    Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Beauiful image - I have several hydrangea bushes in my garden in various colours - they make a fabulous show when in flower.

  5. Hydrangeas are one of the things I DO manage to keep alive consistently and yours is so pretty!

  6. Bloomin' beautiful! My Guy certainly has green thumbs - congratulations to him.


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