
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday Night Sew In Results - May

This month's Friday Night Sew In was more about preparation to sew more than actual sewing, though I did get in a little of that as well.  Overall, it was a good night as I managed to stay up and working till midnight. 

What got done?  Worked out the layout for the Buck-A-Block quilt which would work with the yardage I had on hand.

I had to switch to a lighter blue.  It looks much better with the other blocks in real life then it does in the EQ image.  Once that was decided, it was time to develop the construction strategy and draft up the cutting instructions. 

I worked out what I needed for the courthouse steps filler blocks. While I was working on that, the black fabric took a spin through the washer rinse cycle.  All the other setting fabrics have been washed, so I figured the black needed to be washed too. 

I pulled out some scraps from a recent finish, cut them up and constructed a mock up block to test my cutting and construction instructions.

The mock up block came out at 13", which is what it was supposed to measure.  If I'm doing my own thing on making blocks, I always make a mock up block, it's kept me out of trouble more than once.  I'd hate to cut all my fabric, then discover the calculations were all wrong. 

Today, I've got the blue cut for the blocks and am ironing the black fabric so I can cut those strips.  But since Kiddo has a dance, I need to go paint toe nails and deal with whatever else needs to be done before we run over to school to help with the decorations. 

If you did FNSI, hope it was productive.  If you couldn't make it this time, maybe you can make it next month. 


  1. I know you do mock blocks and I never had but I copied you last time I needed a block to make sure I'd got my calculations right - so thank you for that suggestion.

    Looks like you managed to get quite a bit of thinking and calculating and planning done in addition to the test block. I'd say you had a successful FNSI.

  2. I wish I was that organized. You certainly achieved a lot. I do make up a trial block first if I'm doing my own thing, it's certainly worth it in the long run.
    Unfortunately my FNSI wasn't quite as productive.


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