
Friday, May 6, 2011

Favorite Things Friday - May 6th

It's finally Friday in my corner of the world.  On the one hand I'm ready for a weekend.  On the other, I didn't get near done what I wanted to at work.  So some weeks Friday is a good news/bad news deal.  But I think the good news part of it usually wins out.

Since it is Friday, it's time for Favorite Things Friday over at Quilting in my Pyjamas.  As a child, I loved getting brand new boxes of Crayola crayons, the more crayons in the box the better. A box of 96 was a lot more exciting then a box of 24.  What might you create with colors like aquamarine, apricot, thistle, sea green, robin's egg blue?  If you check out Wikipedia, they have a list of all the current Crayola Crayons (133 of them).   

Fabric has become my new box of crayons.  I love looking at the colors and thinking about what I might make, which ones would work together.  But after last year's major stash acquisition program, this year I'm on a fabric diet.  But there are other ways to play with color. 

It's a good thing digital photography came along.

That's it for FTF.  Hope that all the moms (and mums) have a great Mother's Day this weekend!


  1. I don't think we ever get too old to love a new box of crayons. I love buying them for my little granddaughter so I can play too :)

  2. When I was little it was Derwent colouring pencils. I first got a 24 pack when I was about 11, and I was so happy my head nearly exploded. Then I got a 36 and finally a 72 pack. My cousin was in art school and she had a 120 box and I was sooo so jealous. But I couldn't leave then in the order they were laid out in their little tin, I had to put them in my order that I liked.

  3. Beautiful! Yes, fabric is my 'new crayons', too! My sister used to sew when I was a child, I have always loved fabric, then another sister was an artist, so I have always had a love of color as well. Quilting sure does an excellent job of combining both!

  4. There's something thrilling about seeing dollops of colour isnt there?

    Maybe we quilty/arty people are the only ones that get excited about it or even notice but like you I see possibilities every where I see colours.

    I love your colourful pictures on this post. They gave me an instant smile and inspired I rushed in to my sewing room to have a play with some fabric!

    Have a great FTF Kate!

  5. I have to agree colour is a favourite for me too. I had Derwent colouring pencils when I was younger, in fact I still have a box of 72. I love playing with colours especially my fabrics. I'm forever making piles with different colour combinations.
    Love all your colourful pics, very bright and cheerful.


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