
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Foto Finish Saturday - Spring Blossoms

Another cold, wet and stormy Saturday.  Well it is spring, and we need the rain.  Though I could do without the thunder, lightning, and tornadoes.  One thing about rainy weather is that the light can be just amazing and if you can handle a bit of the wet, you can get some interesting photographs.  My Guy and I, with one eye on the threatening sky, took a quick walk in the woods yesterday because the Dogwoods are blooming. 

My Guy picked this shot out of yesterday's photos for today's post.  It's not a technically great photo due to the narrow focus, but I like the "painting like" feel of this one.  My Guy liked it because it's a bit different. (I had other blooms in the line up; roses, clematis and tulips.  But as I mentioned last week, My Guy has a real soft spot for Dogwoods). 

Check out Cat Patches for more spring blooms. 


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