
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stash Report - March 20, 2011

I'm back home after spending the week on the road with My Guy and Kiddo.  Not much sewing this week since we weren't home.  However, I did have to check out the local quilt shops in Hot Springs, AR.  And yes, I did end up buying some yardage, but it's all intended to be used for the Buck-a-Block BOM.  Both fabrics are from the Andover "Dimples" line. 

So how does the stash report look this week taking into account my acquisitions?  Here are the numbers:

Used this week: 0.19 yards
Added this week:  5.5 yards

Used year to date: 9.5 yards
Added year to date:  7 yards

Net Used for 2011: 2.5 yards

Fabric Budget:  10 yards for Jan to March
Bought/Budget: 7/10 yards

So I'm still in the black and still under my fabric budget. So I'm still on track with my stash management goals.   I do need to learn to keep fabric swatches with me.  I think the green fabric is going to work, but I think the blue is going to be too bright to use in the Buck-a-Block quilt. Based on an analysis of my buying habits last year, I don't take fabric swatches with me on shopping trips and end up bringing home yardage that won't work for the intended project.  This time it's OK, my stash is really deficient in blender fabrics, so the blue is probably a good idea anyway. 

That's it for me this week.  Check out Patchwork Times to see how others are managing their stashes. 


  1. I haven't seen any of the dimples fabric in person... maybe I should look harder (or maybe I shouldn't, LOL!).

  2. Dimples are my all-time favorite fabric. Don't let JudyL see that green! She'll want it! Great purchases!

  3. You are doing a fabulous job with your goals. Congratulations!

  4. That fabric is pretty! Hope you had a great trip!

  5. Those are pretty fabrics, and if you already have a plan for them, they won't stay in your stash report long. Sounds like a fun trip you had.

  6. Still more being used than coming in Kate.

    Love the new acquisitions. My stash doesnt have a lot of blenders/solids either!

  7. I love Dimples! I have a beige that I keep in my stash all the time, just in case. :)

  8. I first saw Dimples when they came in a "by the pound" package I bought at my LQS. Great fabric! You're right, blenders are always great to have on hand. Good work on your stash management!

  9. You are so behaving yourself. I am proud of you. Your numbers are great. It is hard to get sewing done when not at home. Love the fabric.

  10. I did the same thing. You have more self control than I....I bought 11.5 yards LOL


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