
Monday, March 28, 2011

Design Wall Monday - March 28, 2011

Do you ever to get to Monday and wonder what you did all week?  I spent time in my sewing room, but I started cutting the fabric for a new quilt, so not all the time was spent sewing.  It's been a while since I've started a completely new quilt that isn't a BOM.  Cutting fabric is probably my least favorite part of the quilting process, that must be why it seems to take forever! 

What's up on the design wall?  The same project that has been there the last two weeks, the Brown Bag BOM. 

I finished framing all the blocks and have 2 of the 4 planned borders attached.  I'm happy with how it's coming together.  I'm hoping to have all the borders attached by the end of the week. 

Check out Judy's blog for more design wall updates. 


  1. I do that on a daily basis. Before I know it is dinner time and I have accomplished about half of what I wanted to during the day. I don't goof off much so I think I just underestimate how long it takes to do things.

  2. "Do you ever to get to Monday and wonder what you did all week? "
    Only every week Kate....

    Cutting fabric is one of my favourite parts of the quilting process! Isnt it funny how we're all different.

    Love the way the Brown Bag BOM is shaping up. Looking lovely!

  3. It's lovely! Are the other 2 borders pieced or strips?
    I can't cut fabric for too's too boring!

  4. They look great. I also wonder where my weeks go. They just seem to meld into one another.

  5. The quilt is looking good. Bet yo can hardly wait until it is finished.

    Sometimes I think that my blog is becoming my journal of my life since I try to enter something everyday, but there are some days that are so dull that I even missed some blog entry days this month.

    I need to take up your 15 minute a day challenge just so that there is something interesting to show and write about!

    Keep warm.... it's chilly in OK today. Liz

  6. If you take enough small steps voila you have a finished top! It's coming along nicely.

  7. I would never have put those colors together but they are beautiful together. And your quilt is coming together great.

  8. The framing is great! How lovely the blocks look all corraled together in the top :)

  9. I for one don't mind seeing the same quilt. You are making progress and that's why we share. Great quilt!

  10. Oh my gosh - yes - the week always dissappears!! And I make lists so I get more done, and then I run out of that time too!! Good luck!

  11. I love how you put the frames around those blocks. That's a great setting idea.


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