
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - Weekly Update March 15th

It's Tuesday.  Nothing remarkable about Tuesday, not the first day of the work week, not the last and not the weekend.  It's a good day to sit back and look at how well I managed my time last week.  I've challenged myself to spend at least 15 minutes every day working in my sewing room.  So how did last week go?  Here's the report:

I did face a dilemma in assessing this week's report.  For 5 days last week I didn't actually do any sewing, but the activities were necessary in order to make progress on a couple of projects.  Two nights weren't spent in the sewing room, but on the computer with EQ7 working on quilt layouts and cutting instructions.  One night was spent pressing out the "Seeing Stars" top so it could be packaged for shipment to the quilter.  I counted those activities this week as meeting my requirements for quilt related activities.  Would you count that time? 

Here's a Mister Linky thingy if you want to challenge yourself to 15 minutes a day, every other day, once a week, etc and then tell someone how you did. 


  1. I think any sewing related activity counts - even re folding stash! Love your little chart too! I really must get my act together and keep a record of what I do each day. I'll do it this week and link up next Tuesday.

    (Just popped it in my diary so I dont forget)

    Does ribbon shopping count? - thats what I did yesterday!

  2. I'm in I have a deadline or two so I need a bit of extra encouragement. Did 2 hours yesterday so I think that is covered.

  3. Great idea. Fifteen minutes a day is 1.5 hours a week which I should be able to do. Not sure if it will be everyday but the weeks total should be do-able (not a word I know)!

  4. I'm in. I've tried to do a little sewing every day - and for a while it worked. So this is a good excuse to try again. Thank you!

  5. What a great idea, just what I need to get me going.

  6. Shay talked me into it. So I hope I´ll manage...great idea!!


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