
Monday, February 7, 2011

Design Wall Monday - February 7th

How was your Super Bowl Sunday?  We are not football fans in this house, so the Super Bowl is pretty much a non event.  Even so, I feel compelled to offer condolences s to the Pittsburgh fans and congratulations to the Green Bay fans. 

It's Monday again.  Time for a look at what's on the design wall. 

Lot's of progress on the Buck-A-Block project.  Back in 2005, I signed up for a BOM at the quilt shop in TX.  I collected the kits, but didn't start making the blocks late last year.  Block 10 is cut out and partially assembled.  I'm still playing around with settings for these blocks. I'm leaning towards an on point layout.  The fabric in the dark blue squares is of blue bonnets. I have a larger scale blue bonnet print for the border.  I'm still trying to decide on the setting colors, all blue or add in some green?  Some of the proposed settings are posted here

The Seeing Star BOM is also progressing, though I didn't get any pictures of it this weekend.  I'm on the last round of borders, so if I'm diligent this week with my sewing time, I should finish that top. 

That's it for Design Wall Monday.  Run over to Judy's Patchwork Times to check out all the other lovelies posted this week. 


  1. I was completely rewarded by enlarging the picture. Your fabric choices are so pretty Kate!

    Way to go on the progress with your projects.

  2. Nice quilt, it is a great feeling to get some of those UFOs taken care of.

    We are not into football either.

  3. Nice work on the blocks. I checked your layout options and I like the on point setting. Have you tried putting the border fabric inside the quilt as solid blocks instead of doing pieced blocks.

    This is the stage where I sometimes put aside the project to "think" about it longer, but we all know what happens with that!

    Good luck! And get ready for the next round - we might be getting 5-8" statewide!!!


  4. I really like the third layout in your previous post. I think your blue bonnet fabrics are so pretty. BOM's are so tempting for me but so far this year I have resisted.

  5. On point would look great with these blocks. The Superbowl was a sad moment in our house.

  6. I, too, have swap blocks waiting for inspiration. Also BOM blocks although those I usually have some setting ideas by the time the last block has been done. I really like your blocks and all the settings proposed looked great.

  7. Great blocks and I agree on on-point setting! It makes it look so much more 'sophisticated' (sorry couldn't find a better word).

  8. Ooh, I like the second setting you showed. Gorgeous! Good work on getting these assembled and on their way into a quilt :)


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